
pmesh provides a object for solving forces with the particle mesh / spectrum method.

We represent the fields as and

The typical routine for calculating force is

  1. Distrubte particles to the correct domain via In this step, ghost particles are created automatically. The result is a pmesh.domain.Layout() object.
  2. Create a object and paint particles via; supply the domain decomposition layout as an argument to take care of the ghosts.
  3. Transform to spectrum space via a real-to-complex, the result is a The operation can be made in-place by setting out argument to Ellipsis.
  1. Apply transfer functions to obtain the force, via Provide transfer function as function((kx, ky, kz), original_value).
  2. Transform to configuration space via a complex-to-real
  1. Readout force values via supply the domain decomposition layout as an argument to take care of the ghosts.

This is a fairly convoluted process; but it truthfully represents the level of complexity of distributed computation introduces. We may provide a higher level interface in the future.

We provide an example to illustrate the process. Suppose pm is a object and position of particles is stored in P['Position'] .

Here is an example for calculating linear order displacement from perturbative growth of large scale structure:

pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize, Nmesh=[Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh])

smoothing = 1.0 * pm.Nmesh / pm.BoxSize

# lets get the correct mass distribution with particles on the edge mirrored
layout = pm.decompose(P['Position'])

density = pm.create(mode='real')
density.paint(P['Position'], weight=P['Mass'], layout=layout)

def potential_transfer_function(k, v):
    k2 = k.normp(zeromode=1)
    return v / (k2)

pot_k = density.r2c(out=Ellipsis)\
               .apply(potential_transfer_function, out=Ellipsis)

for d in range(3):
    def force_transfer_function(k, v, d=d):
        return ki[d] * 1j * v

    force_d = pot_k.apply(force_transfer_function) \

    P['Accel'][:, d] = force_d.readout(P['Position'], layout=layout)