Source code for pmesh.window

from ._window import ResampleWindow as _ResampleWindow

import numpy
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided

def _mkarr(var, shape, dtype):
    var = numpy.asarray(var, dtype=dtype)
    if numpy.isscalar(shape):
        shape = (int(shape),)

    if len(var.shape) == 0:
        return as_strided(var, shape=shape, strides=[0] * len(shape))
        r = numpy.empty(shape, dtype)
        r[...] = var
        return r

[docs]class Affine(object): """ Defines an affine Transformation, used by ResampleWindow. Parameters ---------- translate : array_like, in integer mesh units. period : array_like in integer mesh units. scale : factor that multiples on position to obtain mesh units. """ def __init__(self, ndim, scale=None, translate=None, period=None): if scale is None: scale = 1.0 if translate is None: translate = 0 if period is None: period = 0 scale = _mkarr(scale, ndim, 'f8' ) period = _mkarr(period, ndim, 'intp') translate = _mkarr(translate, ndim, 'f8') self.scale = scale self.translate = translate self.period = period self.ndim = ndim
[docs] def rescale(self, amount): """ Returns a new Affine where the scale is multipled by amount. """ return Affine(self.ndim, self.scale * amount, self.translate, self.period)
[docs] def shift(self, amount): """ Returns a new Affine where the translate is shifted by amount. Amount is in integer mesh units, as translate. """ return Affine(self.ndim, self.scale, self.translate + amount, self.period)
[docs]class ResampleWindow(_ResampleWindow): def __init__(self, kind, support=-1): _ResampleWindow.__init__(self, kind, support)
[docs] def resize(self, support): """ Change the support of the window, returning a new window. """ return ResampleWindow(self.kind, support)
[docs] def paint(self, real, pos, hsml=None, mass=None, diffdir=None, transform=None): """ paint to a field. Parameters ---------- real : array_like original values are preserved. pos : array_like mass : array_like or None None for 1 hsml: array_like or None scaling of the kernel. it is dimensionless; None for no scaling (default kernel support in grid units) diffdir: int or None direction for differentiation kernel. 0, 1, 2,... or None transform: Affine The Affine transformation from position to grid units. """ if transform is None: transform = Affine(real.ndim) assert isinstance(transform, Affine) order = numpy.zeros(real.ndim, dtype=int) if diffdir is not None: order[diffdir] = 1 pos = numpy.asfarray(pos) if mass is None: mass = numpy.array(1.0, 'f8') else: mass = numpy.asfarray(mass) mass = _mkarr(mass, len(pos), mass.dtype) # workaround if not pos.flags.writeable: pos = pos.copy() if not mass.flags.writeable: mass = mass.copy() if hsml is not None: hsml = numpy.asfarray(hsml) hsml = _mkarr(hsml, len(pos), hsml.dtype) if not hsml.flags.writeable: hsml = hsml.copy() if numpy.iscomplexobj(real): real = real.real _ResampleWindow.paint(self, real, pos, hsml, mass, order, transform.scale, transform.translate, transform.period)
[docs] def readout(self, real, pos, hsml=None, out=None, diffdir=None, transform=None): """ readout from a field. Parameters ---------- real : array_like pos : array_like hsml: array_like, or None scaling of the kernel. it is dimensionless; None for no scaling (default kernel support in grid units) out : array_like mass : array_like or None None for 1 diffdir: int or None direction for differentiation kernel. 0, 1, 2,... or None transform: Affine The Affine transformation from position to grid units. """ if transform is None: transform = Affine(real.ndim) assert isinstance(transform, Affine) order = numpy.zeros(real.ndim, dtype=int) if diffdir is not None: order[diffdir] = 1 pos = numpy.asfarray(pos) if out is None: out = numpy.zeros(pos.shape[:-1], dtype='f8') # workaround if not pos.flags.writeable: pos = pos.copy() if hsml is not None: hsml = numpy.asfarray(hsml) hsml = _mkarr(hsml, len(pos), hsml.dtype) if not hsml.flags.writeable: hsml = hsml.copy() if numpy.iscomplexobj(real): real = real.real _ResampleWindow.readout(self, real, pos, hsml, out, order, transform.scale, transform.translate, transform.period) return out
[docs]def FindResampler(window): if window in windows: window = windows[window] if not isinstance(window, ResampleWindow): raise TypeError("argument is not a ResampleWindow name or a ResampleWindow object") return window
windows = dict( NEAREST = ResampleWindow(kind="nearest"), LINEAR = ResampleWindow(kind="linear"), NNB = ResampleWindow(kind="tunednnb"), CIC = ResampleWindow(kind="tunedcic"), TSC = ResampleWindow(kind="tunedtsc"), PCS = ResampleWindow(kind="tunedpcs"), QUADRATIC = ResampleWindow(kind="quadratic"), CUBIC = ResampleWindow(kind="cubic"), LANCZOS2 = ResampleWindow(kind="lanczos2"), LANCZOS3 = ResampleWindow(kind="lanczos3"), LANCZOS4 = ResampleWindow(kind="lanczos4"), LANCZOS5 = ResampleWindow(kind="lanczos5"), LANCZOS6 = ResampleWindow(kind="lanczos6"), ACG2 = ResampleWindow(kind="acg2"), ACG3 = ResampleWindow(kind="acg3"), ACG4 = ResampleWindow(kind="acg4"), ACG5 = ResampleWindow(kind="acg5"), ACG6 = ResampleWindow(kind="acg6"), DB6 = ResampleWindow(kind="db6"), DB12 = ResampleWindow(kind="db12"), DB20 = ResampleWindow(kind="db20"), SYM6 = ResampleWindow(kind="sym6"), SYM12 = ResampleWindow(kind="sym12"), SYM20 = ResampleWindow(kind="sym20"), ) for m, p in list(windows.items()): windows[m.lower()] = p globals()[m] = p # compatible. methods = windows del m, p