Source code for

import numpy
import pfft
import mpsort
from . import domain
from .window import FindResampler, Affine

import warnings

    from numpy.lib.mixins import NDArrayOperatorsMixin as NDArrayLike
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn('numpy version is low. Update to > 1.13.0. Falling back to older version of operator overides.')
    class NDArrayLike(object):
        __array_priority__ = 20.
        def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other)
        def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other)

        def __eq__(self, other):
            return self[...] == other

        def __add__(self, other):
            r = self.copy()
            r[...] += other
            return r

        def __sub__(self, other):
            r = self.copy()
            r[...] -= other
            return r

        def __rsub__(self, other):
            r = self.copy()
            r[...] *= -1
            r[...] += other
            return r

        def __mul__(self, other):
            r = self.copy()
            r[...] *= other
            return r

        def __div__(self, other):
            r = self.copy()
            r[...] /= other
            return r

        __truediv__ = __div__
        def __rdiv__(self, other):
            r = self.copy()
            r[...] = other / self[...]
            return r
        __rtruediv__ = __rdiv__

        def __abs__(self):
            r = self.copy()
            r[...] = abs(self[...])
            return r

        def __pow__(self, other):
            r = self.copy()
            r[...] = self[...] ** other
            return r

        def __neg__(self):
            r = self.copy()
            r[...] = -self[...]
            return r

from mpi4py import MPI

import numbers # for testing Numbers
import warnings
import functools
from collections import OrderedDict

_gettype = type

[docs]def is_inplace(out): return out is Ellipsis
[docs]class slab(numpy.ndarray): pass
[docs]class slabiter(object): def __init__(self, field): # we iterate over the slowest axis to gain locality. if field.ndim == 2: axis = 2 self.optimized_view = field.value[None, ...] self.nslabs = 1 self.optx = [xx[None, ...] for xx in field.x] self.opti = [ii[None, ...] for ii in field.i] else: axissort = numpy.argsort(field.value.strides)[::-1] axis = axissort[0] self.optimized_view = field.value.transpose(axissort) self.nslabs = field.shape[axis] self.optx = [xx.transpose(axissort) for xx in field.x] self.opti = [ii.transpose(axissort) for ii in field.i] self.x = xslabiter(axis, self.nslabs, self.optx) self.i = xslabiter(axis, self.nslabs, self.opti) self.axis = axis self.Nmesh = field.Nmesh self.BoxSize = field.BoxSize def __iter__(self): for irow in range(self.nslabs): s = self.optimized_view[irow].view(type=slab) kk = [x[0] if d != self.axis else x[irow] for d, x in enumerate(self.optx)] ii = [x[0] if d != self.axis else x[irow] for d, x in enumerate(self.opti)] s.x = kk s.i = ii s.BoxSize = self.BoxSize s.Nmesh = self.Nmesh yield s
[docs]class xslab(list):
[docs] def normp(self, p=2, zeromode=None): """ returns the p-norm of the vector, matching the broadcast shape. Parameters ---------- p : float pnorm zeromode : float, or None set the zeromode to this value if not None. """ kk = (sum([abs(ki) ** p for ki in self])) if zeromode is not None: kk[kk == 0] = zeromode return kk
[docs]class xslabiter(slabiter): """ iterating will yield the sparse coordinates of a list of slabs """ def __init__(self, axis, nslabs, optx): self.axis = axis self.nslabs = nslabs self.optx = optx def __iter__(self): for irow in range(self.nslabs): kk = [x[0] if d != self.axis else x[irow] for d, x in enumerate(self.optx)] yield xslab(kk)
[docs]class Field(NDArrayLike): """ Base class for RealField and ComplexField. It only supports those two subclasses. """ def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self, 'value'): return '%s:' % self.__class__.__name__ + repr(self.value) else: return '%s:' % self.__class__.__name__ _HANDLED_TYPES = (numpy.ndarray, numbers.Number) def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs): out = kwargs.get('out', ()) for x in inputs + out: # Only support operations with instances of _HANDLED_TYPES. # Use ArrayLike instead of type(self) for isinstance to # allow subclasses that don't override __array_ufunc__ to # handle ArrayLike objects. if not isinstance(x, self._HANDLED_TYPES + (Field,)): return NotImplemented # Defer to the implementation of the ufunc on unwrapped values. inputs = tuple(x.value if isinstance(x, Field) else x for x in inputs) if out: kwargs['out'] = tuple( x.value if isinstance(x, Field) else x for x in out) result = getattr(ufunc, method)(*inputs, **kwargs) def cast(result): # booleans, cannot be reasonable Field objects # just return the ndarray if result.dtype == '?': return result # different shape, cannot be reasonable Field objects # just return the ndarray if result.shape != self.shape: return result # really only cast when we are using simple +-* **, etc. return, value=result) if type(result) is tuple: # multiple return values return tuple(cast(x) for x in result) elif method == 'at': # no return value return None else: # one return value return cast(result) def _check_compatible(self, other): if isinstance(other, Field): if not isinstance(other, _gettype(self)): raise TypeError("type of two operands of cdot must be the same type") else: assert all(numpy.shape(other) == self.shape)
[docs] def copy(self): return, value=self.value)
def __init__(self, pm, base=None): """ Used internally to add shortcuts of attributes from pm """ partition = pm._get_partition(type(self)) # create a new base object based on the given base object base = pfft.LocalBuffer(partition, base=base) self._base = base = pm self._partition = partition self.BoxSize = pm.BoxSize self.Nmesh = pm.Nmesh self.ndim = len(pm.Nmesh) if isinstance(self, RealField): self.value = base.view_input() self.start = partition.local_i_start self.cshape = numpy.array([e[-1] for e in partition.i_edges], dtype='intp') elif isinstance(self, (TransposedComplexField, UntransposedComplexField)): self.value = base.view_output() self.start = partition.local_o_start self.cshape = numpy.array([e[-1] for e in partition.o_edges], dtype='intp') self.real = self.value.real self.imag = self.value.imag self.plain = self.value.view(dtype=(self.real.dtype, 2)) else: raise TypeError("Only RealField and ComplexField. No more subclassing"); self.x = pm.create_coords(type(self), return_indices=False) self.i = pm.create_coords(type(self), return_indices=True) # copy over a few ndarray attributes self.flat = self.value.flat self.shape = self.value.shape self.size = self.value.size self.dtype = self.value.dtype # the slices in the full array self.slices = tuple([ slice(s, s + n) for s, n in zip(self.start, self.shape) ]) self.csize = pm.comm.allreduce(self.size) def _ctol(self, index): oldindex = index index = numpy.array(index, copy=True) if len(index) == self.ndim + 1: value = self.plain index1 = index[:-1] elif len(index) == self.ndim: value = self.value index1 = index else: raise IndexError("Only vector index in global indexing is supported. for complex append 0 or 1 for real and imag") # negative indexing index1[index1 < 0] += self.Nmesh[index1 < 0] if all(index1 >= self.start) and all(index1 < self.start + self.shape): return value, tuple(list(index1 - self.start) + list(index[self.ndim:])) else: return value, None
[docs] def cgetitem(self, index): """ get a value from absolute index collectively. """ value, localindex = self._ctol(index) if localindex is not None: ret = value[localindex] else: ret = 0 return
[docs] def csetitem(self, index, y): """ get a value from absolute index collectively. maintains Hermitian conjugation. Returns the actually value that is set. """ index = numpy.array(index, copy=True) value, localindex = self._ctol(index) if isinstance(self, BaseComplexField): dualindex = numpy.negative(index) if len(dualindex) == self.ndim + 1: dualindex[-1] *= -1 dualindex[:self.ndim] += self.Nmesh dualindex[:self.ndim] %= self.Nmesh unused, duallocalindex = self._ctol(dualindex) else: # real field, no dual duallocalindex = None dualy = y if localindex is None: y = 0 if duallocalindex is None: dualy = 0 if len(index) == self.ndim + 1 and index[-1] == 1: dualy = -dualy if localindex is not None and duallocalindex is not None: if localindex == duallocalindex: # self dual and imag y = 0 dualy = 0 elif len(index) == self.ndim: dualy = numpy.conjugate(dualy) if localindex is not None and duallocalindex is not None: if localindex == duallocalindex: # self conjugate dualy = dualy.real y = y.real if localindex is not None: value[localindex] = y if duallocalindex is not None: value[duallocalindex] = dualy return
def __getitem__(self, index): return self.value.__getitem__(index) def __setitem__(self, index, value): return self.value.__setitem__(index, value) def __array__(self, dtype=None): return self.value @property def slabs(self): return slabiter(self)
[docs] def sort(self, out=None): warnings.warn("Use ravel instead of sort", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.ravel(out)
[docs] def unsort(self, flatiter): warnings.warn("Use pm.unravel instead of unsort", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.unravel(flatiter)
[docs] def ravel(self, out=None): """ Ravel the field to 'C'-order, partitioned by MPI ranks. Save the result to flatiter. Parameters ---------- out : numpy.flatiter, or Ellipsis for inplace A flatiter to store the 'C' order. If not a flatiter, the .flat attribute is used. Returns ------- numpy.flatiter : the flatiter provided or created. Notes ----- Set `out` to or Ellisps self.value for an 'inplace' ravel. """ if out is None: out = numpy.empty_like(self.value) if is_inplace(out): out = self.value if not isinstance(out, numpy.flatiter): out = out.flat assert isinstance(out, numpy.flatiter) assert len(out) == self.size if > 1: ind = numpy.ravel_multi_index(numpy.mgrid[self.slices], self.cshape) return mpsort.sort(self.flat, orderby=ind.flat,, out=out) else: # optimize for a single rank -- directly copy the result out[...] = self.flat return out
[docs] def unravel(self, flatiter): """ Unsort c-ordered field values to the field. Parameters ---------- flatiter : numpy.flatiter Notes ----- self is updated. `array` does not have to be C_CONTIGUOUS flat iterator of array is used. """ if not isinstance(flatiter, numpy.flatiter): flatiter = flatiter.flat assert isinstance(flatiter, numpy.flatiter) assert == self.csize if > 1: ind = numpy.ravel_multi_index(numpy.mgrid[self.slices], self.cshape) mpsort.permute(flatiter, argindex=ind.flat,, out=self.flat) else: # optimize for a single rank -- directly copy the result self.flat[...] = flatiter
[docs] def cast(self, type, out=None): """ cast the field object to the given type, maintaining the meaning of the field. """ type = _typestr_to_type(type) if out is None: out = else: out =, base=out._base) assert isinstance(out, type) if isinstance(self, RealField) and isinstance(out, BaseComplexField): self.r2c(out) if isinstance(self, RealField) and isinstance(out, RealField): out.value[...] = self.value if isinstance(self, BaseComplexField) and isinstance(out, RealField): self.c2r(out) if isinstance(self, BaseComplexField) and isinstance(out, BaseComplexField): if _gettype(self) is not _gettype(out): tmp =, base=out._base) # do a c2r r2c to account for the transpose self.c2r(out=tmp).r2c(out=out) else: out.value[...] = self.value return out
[docs] def resample(self, out): """ Resample the Field by filling 0 or truncating modes. Convert from and between Real/Complex automatically. Parameters ---------- out : Field must be provided because it is a different PM. Can be RealField or (Tranposed/Untransposed)ComplexField """ assert isinstance(out, Field) if all(out.Nmesh == self.Nmesh): # no resampling needed. Just do Fourier transforms. self.cast(type=_gettype(out), out=out) self = self.cast(type=TransposedComplexField) complex =, base=out._base, value=0) tmp = numpy.empty_like(self.value) self.ravel(out=tmp) # indtable stores the index in pmsrc for the mode in pmdest # since pmdest < pmsrc, all items are alright. indtable = [reindex(self.Nmesh[d], out.Nmesh[d]) for d in range(self.value.ndim)] ind = build_index( [t[numpy.r_[s]] for t, s in zip(indtable, complex.slices) ], self.cshape) # fill the points that has values in pmsrc mask = ind >= 0 # their indices argind = ind[mask] # take the data data = mpsort.take(tmp.flat, argind, # fill in the value complex[mask] = data # ensure the down sample is real for i, slab in zip(complex.slabs.i, complex.slabs): mask = functools.reduce(numpy.bitwise_and, [(n - ii) % n == ii for ii, n in zip(i, complex.Nmesh)]) slab.imag[mask] = 0 # remove the nyquist of the output # FIXME: the nyquist is messy due to hermitian constraints # let's do not touch them till we know they are important. mask = functools.reduce(numpy.bitwise_or, [ ii == n // 2 for ii, n in zip(i, complex.Nmesh)]) slab[mask] = 0 # also remove the nyquist of the input mask = functools.reduce(numpy.bitwise_or, [ ii == n // 2 for ii, n in zip(i, self.Nmesh)]) slab[mask] = 0 if isinstance(out, RealField): complex.c2r(out) return out
[docs] def preview(self, Nmesh=None, axes=None, resampler=None, method=None): """ gathers the mesh into as a numpy array, with (reduced resolution). The result is broadcast to all ranks, so this uses per rank if all axes are preserved. Parameters ---------- Nmesh : int, array_like, None The desired Nmesh of the result. Be aware this function allocates memory to hold A full Nmesh on each rank. None will not resample Nmesh. axes : list or None list of axes to preserve. method : string "upsample" or "downsample", or None upsample is like subsampling (faster) when Nmesh is lower resolution. if None, use upsample for upsampling (Nmesh >= self.Nmesh) and downsample for down sampling. Returns ------- out : array_like An numpy array for the real density field. """ if axes is None: axes = range(self.ndim) if not hasattr(axes, '__iter__'): axes = (axes,) else: axes = list(axes) if isinstance(self, BaseComplexField): self = self.c2r() if Nmesh is not None: # skip resampling if Nmesh is identical to current if all(Nmesh == self.Nmesh): Nmesh = None if Nmesh is not None: pm = if method is None: if any(Nmesh < self.Nmesh): method = 'downsample' else : method = 'upsample' if method == 'downsample': out = pm.downsample(self, resampler=resampler, keep_mean=True) elif method == 'upsample': out = pm.upsample(self, resampler=resampler, keep_mean=True) else: raise ValueError("method can only be downsample or upsample") else: out = self result = numpy.zeros([out.cshape[i] for i in axes], dtype=out.dtype) local_slice = tuple([out.slices[i] for i in axes]) # TODO: allow slicing along projected directions. out = out[...] if len(axes) != self.ndim: removeaxes = set(range(self.ndim)) - set(axes) all_axes = list(axes) + list(removeaxes) removeaxes = tuple(range(len(all_axes) - len(removeaxes), len(all_axes))) result[local_slice] += out.transpose(all_axes).sum(axis=removeaxes) else: result[local_slice] += out, result) return result
[docs]class RealField(Field): def __init__(self, pm, base=None): Field.__init__(self, pm, base)
[docs] def r2c(self, out=None): """ Perform real to complex transformation. """ if out is None: out = TransposedComplexField( if is_inplace(out): out = self if out is self: out = TransposedComplexField(, base=self._base) assert isinstance(out, (BaseComplexField,)) if not # non-padded destroys input, so we fall back # to use the inplace transform # view out as self's type and copy the value self =, value=self.value, base=out._base) if self._base in out._base and out._base in self._base: # in place if isinstance(out, UntransposedComplexField): plan =['ipforwardU'] else: plan =['ipforwardT'] else: if isinstance(out, UntransposedComplexField): plan =['forwardU'] else: plan =['forwardT'] plan.execute(self._base, out._base) # PFFT normalization, same as FastPM out.value[...] *= ** -1.0) return out
[docs] def ctranspose(self, axes): """ Collectively Transpose a RealField. This does not change the representation but actually replaces the coordinates according to the new set of axes. Notes ----- This is currently implemented very inefficiently, with readout and paint operations. """ # must be full rank axes. assert len(numpy.unique(axes)) == self.ndim assert numpy.max(axes) == self.ndim - 1 # create a new pm with transposed BoxSize and Nmesh pm =[axes], Nmesh=self.Nmesh[axes]) # for fancy indexing axes = numpy.array(axes, dtype='intp') q = v = self.readout(q, resampler='nnb') # transpose the coordinates q = q[..., axes] layout = pm.decompose(q, smoothing='nnb') return pm.paint(q, mass=v, resampler='nnb', layout=layout)
[docs] def csum(self, dtype=None): """ Collective mean. Sum of the entire mesh. (Must be called collectively)""" if dtype is None: dtype = self.dtype arg = numpy.argsort(self.value.strides) sum1 = self.value.transpose(arg[::-1]) # first sum along the axis with the shortest strides # this would usually mean stabler results # when number of ranks are changed. for d in range(self.ndim): sum1 = sum1.sum(axis=-1, dtype=dtype) return
[docs] def cmean(self, dtype=None): """ Collective mean. Mean of the entire mesh. (Must be called collectively)""" return self.csum(dtype=dtype) / self.csize
[docs] def readout(self, pos, hsml=None, out=None, resampler=None, transform=None, gradient=None, layout=None): """ Read out from real field at positions Parameters ---------- pos : array_like (, ndim) position of particles in simulation unit hsml : array_like (, ndim) scaling of the resampling window per particle; or None for the kernel intrinsic size. (dimensionless) out : array_like (, ndim) output gradient : None or integer Direction to take the gradient of the window. The affine transformation is properly applied. resampler : None or string type of window, default to layout : Layout domain decomposition to use for the readout. The position is first routed to the target ranks and the result is reduced Returns ------- rt : array_like (,) read out values from the real field. """ if not transform: transform = if resampler is None: resampler = resampler = FindResampler(resampler) if layout is None: return resampler.readout(self.value, pos, hsml=hsml, out=out, transform=transform, diffdir=gradient) else: localpos = localhsml = exchange(layout, hsml) localresult = self.readout(localpos, hsml=localhsml, resampler=resampler, transform=transform, gradient=gradient, out=None, layout=None) return layout.gather(localresult, out=out)
[docs] def readout_vjp(self, pos, v, resampler=None, transform=None, gradient=None, out_self=None, out_pos=None, layout=None): """ back-propagate the gradient of readout. Returns a tuple of (out_self, out_pos), one of both can be False depending on the value of out_self and out_pos. Parameters ---------- v: array current gradient over the result of readout. layout : Layout domain decomposition to use for the readout. The position is first routed to the target ranks and the result is reduced out_self: RealField, None, or False stored the backtraced gradient against self if False, then the gradient against self is not computed. if None, a new RealField is created and returned out_pos : array, None or False store the backtraced graident against pos if False, then the gradient against pos is not computed. if None, a new array is created and returned """ if out_pos is not False: if gradient is not None: raise ValueError("gradient of gradient is not yet supported") if out_pos is None: out_pos = numpy.zeros_like(pos) if is_inplace(out_pos): out_pos = pos if out_pos is pos: # need to create a copy of pos because we use it later. pos = pos.copy() for d in range(pos.shape[1]): self.readout(pos, out=out_pos[:, d], resampler=resampler, transform=transform, gradient=d, layout=layout) out_pos[:, d] *= v if out_self is not False: if out_self is None: out_self = RealField( if is_inplace(out_self): out_self = self # watch out: do this after using self, because out_self can be self. out_self.paint(pos, mass=v, resampler=resampler, transform=transform, gradient=gradient, hold=False, layout=layout) return out_self, out_pos
[docs] def readout_jvp(self, pos, v_self=None, v_pos=None, resampler=None, transform=None, gradient=None, layout=None): """ f_i = W_qi A_q """ jvp = numpy.zeros(len(pos)) if v_pos is not None: for d in range(self.ndim): jvp[...] += self.readout(pos, resampler=resampler, transform=transform, gradient=d, layout=layout) * v_pos[..., d] if v_self is not None: jvp[...] += v_self.readout(pos, resampler=resampler, transform=transform, gradient=None, layout=layout) return jvp
[docs] def paint(self, pos, mass=1.0, resampler=None, transform=None, hold=False, gradient=None, layout=None): warnings.warn("Use ParticleMesh.paint instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2), mass=mass, resampler=resampler, transform=transform, hold=hold, gradient=gradient, layout=layout, out=self)
[docs] def c2r_vjp(v, out=None): """ Back-propagate the gradient of c2r from self to out """ out = v.r2c(out) # PFFT normalization, same as FastPM out.value[...] *= ** 1.0) return out
[docs] def apply(self, func, kind="relative", out=None): """ apply a function to the field. Parameters ---------- func : callable func(r, y) where r is a list of r values that broadcasts into a full array. value of r depends on kind. y is the value of the field on the corresponding locations. `r.normp(p=2, zeromode=1)` would return `|r|^2` but set the zero mode (r == 0) to 1. kind : string The kind of value in r. 'relative' means distance from `[-0.5 Boxsize, 0.5 BoxSize)`. 'index' means `[0, Nmesh )` """ if out is None: out = if is_inplace(out): out = self assert isinstance(out, _gettype(self)) for x, i, islab, oslab in zip(self.slabs.x, self.slabs.i, self.slabs, out.slabs): if kind == 'relative': oslab[...] = func(x, islab) elif kind == 'index': oslab[...] = func(i, islab) else: raise ValueError("kind is relative, or index") return out
[docs] def cdot(self, other): self._check_compatible(other) return[...] * other[...]))
[docs] def cnorm(self): return self.cdot(self)
[docs]class BaseComplexField(Field): def __init__(self, pm, base=None): Field.__init__(self, pm, base) def _expand_hermitian(self, i, y): # is the field compressed? if self.Nmesh[-1] == self.cshape[-1]: return y y = y.copy() # if a conjugate is not stored and not self, increase the weight # because we shall add it. mask = (i[-1] != 0) & (i[-1] != self.Nmesh[-1] // 2) y += mask * y return y
[docs] def cnorm(self, metric=None, norm=lambda x: x.real **2 + x.imag**2): r"""compute the norm collectively. The conjugates are added too. This is effectively cdot(self). NORM = Self-conj + lower + upper .. math :: \sum_{m \in M} (self[m] * conjugate(other[m]) + conjugate(self[m]) * other[m]) * 0.5 metric(k[m]) """ def filter2(k, y): y = norm(y) if metric is not None: k = k.normp(p=2) ** 0.5 y *= metric(k) return y return\ .apply(filter2)\ .apply(self._expand_hermitian, kind='index', out=Ellipsis)\ .value.sum())
[docs] def cdot(self, other, metric=None): r""" Collective inner product between the independent modes of two Complex Fields. The real part of the result is effectively self.c2r().cdot(other.c2r()) / FIXME: what does the imag part mean? Parameters ---------- other : ComplexField the other field for the inner product metric: callable metric(k) gives the metric of each mode. """ if isinstance(other, Field): if not isinstance(other, _gettype(self)): raise TypeError("type of two operands of cdot must be the same type") r =, value=other) r.value[...] = numpy.conj(r.value[...]) r.value[...] *= self.value r.apply(self._expand_hermitian, kind='index', out=Ellipsis) if metric is not None: r.apply(lambda k, y: y * metric(k.normp() ** 0.5), out=Ellipsis) return
[docs] def cdot_vjp(self, v, metric=None): """ backtrace gradient of cdot against other. This is a partial gradient. This is currently only correct for cdot().real. """ r = self * v if metric is not None: r.apply(lambda k, y: y * metric(k.normp() ** 0.5), out=Ellipsis) return r
[docs] def c2r(self, out=None): if out is None: out = RealField( if is_inplace(out): out = self if out is self: out = RealField(, self._base) assert isinstance(out, RealField) if not # non-padded destroys input, so we fall back # to using an inplace transform # view out as self, and copy the value self =, base=out._base, value=self.value) if out._base in self._base and self._base in out._base: # inplace if isinstance(self, UntransposedComplexField): plan =['ipbackwardU'] else: plan =['ipbackwardT'] else: if isinstance(self, UntransposedComplexField): plan =['backwardU'] else: plan =['backwardT'] plan.execute(self._base, out._base) return out
[docs] def r2c_vjp(v, out=None): """ Back-propagate the gradient of r2c to self. """ out = v.c2r(out) # PFFT normalization, same as FastPM out.value[...] *= ** -1.0) return out
[docs] def decompress_vjp(v, out=None): """ Back-propagate the gradient of decompress from self to out. If I change this mode in the .value array, how many modes are actually changed in order to maintain the hermitian? """ if out is None: out = if is_inplace(out): out = v for i, a, b in zip(out.slabs.i, out.slabs, v.slabs): # modes that are self conjugates do not gain a factor mask = numpy.ones(a.shape, '?') for ii, n in zip(i, out.Nmesh): mask &= (n - ii) % n == ii a[~mask] = 2 * b[~mask] a[mask] = b[mask] return out
[docs] def apply(self, func, kind="wavenumber", out=None): """ apply a function to the field, in-place. Parameters ---------- func : callable func(k, y) where k is a list of k values that broadcasts into a full array. value of k depends on kind. y is the corrsponding value of field. y is the value of the field on the corresponding locations. `k.normp(p=2, zeromode=1)` would return `|k|^2` but set the zero mode (r == 0) to 1. kind : string The kind of value in k. 'wavenumber' means wavenumber from [- 2 pi / L * N / 2, 2 pi / L * N / 2). 'circular' means circular frequency from [- pi, pi). 'index' means [0, Nmesh ) """ if out is None: # must match the type! out = if is_inplace(out): out = self assert isinstance(out, _gettype(self)) for k, i, islab, oslab in zip(self.slabs.x, self.slabs.i, self.slabs, out.slabs): if kind == 'wavenumber': oslab[...] = func(k, islab) elif kind == 'circular': w = [ ki * L / N for ki, L, N in zip(k, self.BoxSize, self.Nmesh)] oslab[...] = func(w, islab) elif kind == 'index': oslab[...] = func(i, islab) else: raise ValueError("kind is wavenumber, circular, or index") return out
[docs]class UntransposedComplexField(BaseComplexField): """ A complex field with untransposed representation. Faster for whitenoise, slower for r2c and c2r. """ def __init__(self, pm, base=None): Field.__init__(self, pm, base)
[docs]class TransposedComplexField(BaseComplexField): """ A complex field with transposed representation. Faster for r2c/c2r but slower for whitenoise """ def __init__(self, pm, base=None): Field.__init__(self, pm, base)
# backward-compatbility, alias TranposedComplexField to ComplexField ComplexField = TransposedComplexField
[docs]def build_index(indices, fullshape): """ Build a linear index array based on indices on an array of fullshape. This is similar to numpy.ravel_multi_index. index value of -1 will on any axes will be translated to -1 in the final. Parameters: indices : a tuple of index per dimension. fullshape : a tuple of the shape of the full array Returns: ind : a 3-d array of the indices of the coordinates in indices in an array of size fullshape. -1 if any indices is -1. """ localshape = [ len(i) for i in indices] ndim = len(localshape) ind = numpy.zeros(localshape, dtype='i8') for d in range(len(indices)): i = indices[d] i = i.reshape([-1 if dd == d else 1 for dd in range(ndim)]) ind[...] *= fullshape[d] ind[...] += i mask = numpy.zeros(localshape, dtype='?') # now mask out bad points by -1 for d in range(len(indices)): i = indices[d] i = i.reshape([-1 if dd == d else 1 for dd in range(ndim)]) mask |= i == -1 ind[mask] = -1 return ind
[docs]def reindex(Nsrc, Ndest): """ returns the index in the frequency array for corresponding k in Nsrc and composes Ndest For those Ndest that doesn't exist in Nsrc, return -1 Example: >>> reindex(8, 4) >>> array([0, 1, 2, 7]) >>> reindex(4, 8) >>> array([ 0, 1, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, 3]) """ reindex = numpy.arange(Ndest) reindex[Ndest // 2 + 1:] = numpy.arange(Nsrc - Ndest // 2 + 1, Nsrc, 1) reindex[Nsrc // 2 + 1: Ndest -Nsrc //2 + 1] = -1 return reindex
[docs]def exchange(layout, value): if value is None: return None if numpy.isscalar(value): value = numpy.array(value) if value.ndim != 0: localvalue = else: localvalue = value return localvalue
def _typestr_to_type(typestr): if not isinstance(typestr, type): if typestr == 'real': typestr = RealField elif typestr == 'complex': typestr = ComplexField elif typestr == 'transposedcomplex': typestr = TransposedComplexField elif typestr == 'untransposedcomplex': typestr = UntransposedComplexField else: raise ValueError('mode must be real or complex, or ') if not issubclass(typestr, Field): raise TypeError("mode must be a subclass of %s" % str(Field)) return typestr def _init_i_coords(partition, Nmesh, BoxSize): x = [] r = [] i_ind = [] for d in range(partition.ndim): t = numpy.ones(partition.ndim, dtype='intp') t[d] = partition.local_i_shape[d] i_indi = numpy.arange(t[d], dtype='intp') + partition.local_i_start[d] ri = numpy.arange(t[d], dtype='f4') + partition.local_i_start[d] ri[ri >= Nmesh[d] // 2] -= Nmesh[d] xi = ri * BoxSize[d] / Nmesh[d] i_ind.append(i_indi.reshape(t)) r.append(ri.reshape(t)) x.append(xi.reshape(t)) # FIXME: r return x, i_ind def _init_o_coords(partition, Nmesh, BoxSize): k = [] w = [] o_ind = [] for d in range(partition.ndim): s = numpy.ones(partition.ndim, dtype='intp') s[d] = partition.local_o_shape[d] o_indi = numpy.arange(s[d], dtype='intp') + partition.local_o_start[d] wi = numpy.arange(s[d], dtype='f4') + partition.local_o_start[d] wi[wi >= Nmesh[d] // 2] -= Nmesh[d] wi *= (2 * numpy.pi / Nmesh[d]) ki = wi * Nmesh[d] / BoxSize[d] o_ind.append(o_indi.reshape(s)) w.append(wi.reshape(s)) k.append(ki.reshape(s)) # FIXME: w return k, o_ind from weakref import WeakValueDictionary _pm_cache = WeakValueDictionary() class _pmtemplate(object): # subclass tuple to ensure ordered destruction. def __init__(self, procmesh, plans): self._tuple = (procmesh, plans) @property def procmesh(self): return self._tuple[0] @property def plans(self): return self._tuple[1]
[docs]class ParticleMesh(object): """ ParticleMesh provides an interface to solver for forces with particle mesh method ParticleMesh does not deal with memory. Use RealField(pm) and ComplexField(pm) to create memory buffers. Attributes ---------- np : array_like (npx, npy) The shape of the process mesh. This is the number of domains per direction. The product of the items shall equal to the size of communicator. For example, for 64 rank job, np = (8, 8) is a good choice. Since for now only 3d simulations are supported, np must be of length-2. The default is try to split the total number of ranks equally. (eg, for a 64 rank job, default is (8, 8) comm : :py:class:`MPI.Comm` the MPI communicator, (default is MPI.COMM_WORLD) Nmesh : array of int number of mesh points per side. The length decides the number of dimensions. dtype : dtype dtype of the buffers; if a complex dtype is given, the transforms will be c2c. the type of fields are still 'RealField' and 'ComplexField', though the RealField is actually made of complex numbers, and the ComplexField is no longer hermitian compressed. BoxSize : float size of box domain : :py:class:`pmesh.domain.GridND` domain decomposition (private) partition : :py:class:`pfft.Partition` domain partition (private) w : list a list of the circular frequencies along each direction (-pi to pi) k : list a list of the wave numbers k along each direction (- pi N/ L to pi N/ L) x : list a list of the position along each direction (-L/2 to L/ 2). x is conjugate of k. r : list a list of the mesh position along each direction (-N/2 to N/2). r is conjugate of w. """ def __init__(self, Nmesh, BoxSize=1.0, comm=None, np=None, dtype='f8', plan_method='estimate', resampler='cic'): """ create a PM object. Parameters ---------- plan_method : string method for planning, `estimate`, `exhaustive`, `measure`. resampler : string or ResampleWindow used to determine the default size of the domain decomposition np : the process mesh if None, automatically infer -- (n-1)d decomposition on (n)d mesh, Nmesh : tuple or alike size of the mesh. len(Nmesh) is the dimension of the system. """ if comm is None: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD self.comm = comm if np is None: if len(Nmesh) >= 3: np = pfft.split_size_2d(self.comm.size) elif len(Nmesh) == 2: np = [self.comm.size] elif len(Nmesh) == 1: np = [] = np if len(np) == len(Nmesh): # only implemented for non-padded and destroy input self._use_padded = False paddedflag = pfft.Flags.PFFT_DESTROY_INPUT else: self._use_padded = True paddedflag = pfft.Flags.PFFT_PRESERVE_INPUT | pfft.Flags.PFFT_PADDED_R2C | pfft.Flags.PFFT_PADDED_C2R dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) if dtype == numpy.dtype('f8'): forward = pfft.Type.PFFT_R2C backward = pfft.Type.PFFT_C2R elif dtype == numpy.dtype('f4'): forward = pfft.Type.PFFTF_R2C backward = pfft.Type.PFFTF_C2R elif dtype == numpy.dtype('complex128'): forward = pfft.Type.PFFT_C2C backward = pfft.Type.PFFT_C2C elif dtype == numpy.dtype('complex64'): forward = pfft.Type.PFFTF_C2C backward = pfft.Type.PFFTF_C2C else: raise ValueError("dtype must be f8, f4, c16 or c8") self.Nmesh = numpy.array(Nmesh, dtype='i8') self.ndim = len(self.Nmesh) self.BoxSize = numpy.empty(len(Nmesh), dtype='f8') self.BoxSize[:] = BoxSize Nmesh = self.Nmesh BoxSize = self.BoxSize # if a similar ParticleMesh exists, use its # procmesh and plans, # this is to avoid creating too many MPI communicators, # which are a limited resource. (Intel has 16381, e.g.) # also see below where the instance self is inserted # to the weak dict. # the use of _addressof(comm) should be OK, # if we find a pm in the cache then the pm object # must have been holding a reference to the comm, so it # is alive. # if we don't find a pm then we'll create a new one anyways. _cache_args = (tuple(Nmesh), tuple(BoxSize), MPI._addressof(comm), comm.rank, comm.size, tuple(np), dtype, plan_method, paddedflag) template = _pm_cache.get(_cache_args, None) hastemplate = comm.allgather(template is not None) if not all(hastemplate): # some ranks the GC has already killed the cache; so we need to recreate # everything template = None # if comm.rank == 0: # print('hastemplate', hastemplate) # print(template, type(template), _cache_args) if template is not None: procmesh = template.procmesh else: procmesh = pfft.ProcMesh(np, comm=comm) plan_method = { "estimate": pfft.Flags.PFFT_ESTIMATE, "measure": pfft.Flags.PFFT_MEASURE, "exhaustive": pfft.Flags.PFFT_EXHAUSTIVE, } [plan_method] if template is not None: plans = template.plans else: plans = OrderedDict() # order dict implies ordered destruction. def make_duo(inplace, transposed): if transposed: partition_flags = pfft.Flags.PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT | paddedflag forward_flags = pfft.Flags.PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT | paddedflag backward_flags = pfft.Flags.PFFT_TRANSPOSED_IN | paddedflag else: partition_flags = paddedflag forward_flags = paddedflag backward_flags = paddedflag partition = pfft.Partition(forward, Nmesh, procmesh, partition_flags) bufferin = pfft.LocalBuffer(partition) if not inplace: bufferout = pfft.LocalBuffer(partition) else: bufferout = bufferin fplan = pfft.Plan(partition, pfft.Direction.PFFT_FORWARD, bufferin, bufferout, forward, plan_method | forward_flags) bplan = pfft.Plan(partition, pfft.Direction.PFFT_BACKWARD, bufferout, bufferin, backward, plan_method | backward_flags) return partition, fplan, bplan plans['partitionT'], plans['forwardT'], plans['backwardT'] = make_duo(False, True) junk, plans['ipforwardT'], plans['ipbackwardT'] = make_duo(True, True) plans['partitionU'], plans['forwardU'], plans['backwardU'] = make_duo(False, False) junk, plans['ipforwardU'], plans['ipbackwardU'] = make_duo(True, False) del junk # use the transpsoed partition for configuration space edges partition = plans['partitionT'] self.domain = domain.GridND(partition.i_edges, comm=self.comm) self.procmesh = procmesh # Transform from simulation unit to local grid unit. self.affine = Affine(partition.ndim, translate=-partition.local_i_start, scale=1.0 * self.Nmesh / self.BoxSize, period = self.Nmesh) # Transform from global grid unit to local grid unit. self.affine_grid = Affine(partition.ndim, translate=-partition.local_i_start, scale=1.0, period = self.Nmesh) self.resampler = FindResampler(resampler) self.dtype = dtype self.plans = plans if template is None: template = _pmtemplate(procmesh, plans) self.template = template _pm_cache[_cache_args] = template def _get_partition(self, field_type): if issubclass(field_type, RealField): # usually we use the transpsoed partition; # which is compatible for the real field either transposed # or not partition = self.plans['partitionT'] elif issubclass(field_type, UntransposedComplexField): # for untransposed complex field. partition = self.plans['partitionU'] elif issubclass(field_type, TransposedComplexField): partition = self.plans['partitionT'] else: raise TypeError("not support type, internall Error") return partition
[docs] def create_coords(self, field_type, return_indices=False): """ Create coordinate arrays. If return_indices is True, return the integer indices instead. Returns ------- x : (when return_indices is False) list of arrays, broadcastable to the right shape of the field; distance or wavenumber; between negative and positive. i : (when return_indices is True) list of arrays, integers (ranging from 0 to Nmesh) """ field_type = _typestr_to_type(field_type) partition = self._get_partition(field_type) if issubclass(field_type, RealField): x, i = _init_i_coords(partition, self.Nmesh, self.BoxSize) if return_indices: return i return x if issubclass(field_type, BaseComplexField): k, i = _init_o_coords(partition, self.Nmesh, self.BoxSize) if return_indices: return i return k raise TypeError
@property def partition(self): return self.plans['partitionT']
[docs] def resize(self, Nmesh): warnings.warn("ParticleMesh.resize method is deprecated. Use reshape method with full Nmesh as a tuple.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.reshape(Nmesh=Nmesh)
[docs] def reshape(self, Nmesh=None, BoxSize=None): """ Create a reshaped ParticleMesh object, changing the resolution Nmesh, or even dimension. Parameters ---------- Nmesh : int or array_like or None The new resolution Returns ------- A ParticleMesh of the given resolution and transpose property """ if Nmesh is None: Nmesh = self.Nmesh elif numpy.isscalar(Nmesh): Nmesh = [Nmesh for i in range(self.ndim)] if BoxSize is None: BoxSize = self.BoxSize[:len(Nmesh)] elif numpy.isscalar(BoxSize): BoxSize = [BoxSize for i in range(len(Nmesh))] if len(BoxSize) != len(Nmesh): raise ValueError("Dimension of BoxSize (%d) doesn't agree with Nmesh (%d); provide BoxSize explicitly." % (len(BoxSize), len(Nmesh))) return ParticleMesh(BoxSize=BoxSize, Nmesh=Nmesh, dtype=self.dtype, comm=self.comm, resampler=self.resampler,
[docs] def respawn(self, comm, np=None): """ Create a new ParticleMesh object with the same geometry but on a new communicator. Notes ----- Usually the communicator shall be a subcommunicator of self.comm, because otherwise there is no way to correctly make a barrier. Parameters ---------- comm : MPI.Comm the new communicator np : list or int the process mesh topology Returns ------- A new ParticleMesh on the given communicator; """ return ParticleMesh(BoxSize=self.BoxSize, Nmesh=self.Nmesh, dtype=self.dtype, comm=comm, resampler=self.resampler, np=np)
[docs] def create(self, type=None, base=None, value=None, mode=None): """ Create a field object. Parameters ---------- type: string, or type 'real', 'complex', 'untransposedcomplex', RealField, ComplexField, TransposedComplexField, UntransposedComplexField base : object, None Reusing the base attribute (physical memory) of an existing field object. Provide the attribute, not the field object. (`obj._base` not `obj`) value : array_like, None initialize the field with the values. """ if mode is not None: warnings.warn("argument mode is deprecated. use type=%s instead" % mode, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if type is None: type = mode else: raise ValueError("both mode and type are specified, possiblity arguments are arranged in wrong order") type = _typestr_to_type(type) r = type(self, base=base) if value is not None: r[...] = value return r
[docs] def unravel(self, type, flatiter): """ Unravel c-ordered field values. Parameters ---------- type : type to unravel into, subclass of Field. (ComplexField, RealField, TransposedComplexField, UntransposedComplexField) flatiter : numpy.flatiter Returns ------- r : RealField or ComplexField Notes ----- `array` does not have to be C_CONTIGUOUS, as the flat iterator of array is used. """ r = self.create(type=type) r.unravel(flatiter) return r
[docs] def generate_whitenoise(self, seed, unitary=False, mean=0, type=TransposedComplexField, mode=None, base=None): """ Generate white noise to the field with the given seed. The scheme is supposed to be compatible with Gadget when the field is three-dimensional. Parameters ---------- seed : int The random seed mean : float the mean of the field unitary : bool True to generate a unitary white noise where the amplitude is fixed to 1 and only the phase is random. """ from .whitenoise import generate if mode is not None: warnings.warn("mode argument is deprecated, use type", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) type = mode # first generate complex field type = _typestr_to_type(type) if type is RealField: complex_type = UntransposedComplexField else: complex_type = type complex = self.create(type=complex_type, base=base) generate(complex.value, complex.start, complex.Nmesh, seed, bool(unitary)) # add mean def filter(k, v): mask = functools.reduce(numpy.bitwise_and, [ki == 0 for ki in k]) v[mask] = mean return v complex.apply(filter, out=Ellipsis) # cast to the correct requested type return complex.cast(type=type, out=complex)
[docs] def mesh_coordinates(self, dtype=None): partition = self.plans['partitionT'] coord = numpy.indices(partition.local_i_shape, dtype).reshape(self.ndim, -1).T source = coord + partition.local_i_start return source
[docs] def generate_uniform_particle_grid(self, shift=0.5, dtype=None, return_id=False): """ create uniform grid of particles, one per grid point, in BoxSize coordinate. Parameters ---------- shift : float, array_like shifting the grid by this much relative to the size of each grid cell. if array_like, per direction. dtype : dtype, or None dtype of the return value; default the same precision as the pm. return_id : boolean if True, return grid, id; id is the unique integer ID of this grid point. it is between 0 and total number of grid points (exclusive). Returns: grid : array_like (N, ndim) id : array_like (N) """ if dtype is None: dtype == self.dtype _shift = numpy.zeros(self.ndim, dtype) _shift[:] = shift # one particle per base mesh point source = self.mesh_coordinates(dtype) source[...] += _shift source[...] *= self.BoxSize / self.Nmesh source.flags.writeable = False if not return_id: return source isource = self.mesh_coordinates('i4') id = numpy.int64(isource[:, 0]) for i in range(1, self.ndim): id[...] *= self.Nmesh[i] id[...] += isource[:, i] return source, id
[docs] def decompose(self, pos, smoothing=None, transform=None): """ Create a domain decompose layout for particles at given coordinates. Parameters ---------- pos : array_like (, ndim) position of particles in simulation unit smoothing : None, float, array_like, string, or ResampleWindow if given as a string or ResampleWindow, use 0.5 * support. This is the size of the buffer region around a domain. Default: None, use self.resampler Returns ------- layout : :py:class:domain.Layout layout that can be used to migrate particles and images to the correct MPI ranks that hosts the PM local mesh """ if smoothing is None: smoothing = self.resampler try: smoothing = FindResampler(smoothing) smoothing = * 0.5 except TypeError: pass if transform is None: transform = self.affine # Transform from simulation unit to global grid unit. def transform0(x): # shift is local per processor, thus do not use it. return transform.scale * x return self.domain.decompose(pos, smoothing=smoothing, transform=transform0)
[docs] def paint(self, pos, hsml=None, mass=1.0, resampler=None, transform=None, hold=False, gradient=None, layout=None, out=None): """ Paint particles into the internal real canvas. Transform the particle field given by pos and mass to the overdensity field in fourier space and save it in the internal storage. A multi-linear CIC approximation scheme is used. The function can be called multiple times: the result is cummulative. In a multi-step simulation where :py:class:`ParticleMesh` object is reused, before calling :py:meth:`paint`, make sure the canvas is cleared with :py:meth:`clear`. Parameters ---------- pos : array_like (, ndim) position of particles in simulation unit hsml : array_like (, ndim) scaling of the resampling window per particle; or None for the kernel intrinsic size. (dimensionless) mass : scalar or array_like (,) mass of particles in simulation unit hold : bool If true, do not clear the current value in the field. gradient : None or integer Direction to take the gradient of the window. The affine transformation is properly applied. resampler: None or string type of window. Default : None, use layout : Layout domain decomposition to use for the readout. The position is first routed to the target ranks and the result is reduced Notes ----- the painter operation conserves the total mass. It is not the density. """ # Transform from simulation unit to local grid unit. if not transform: transform = self.affine if resampler is None: resampler = self.resampler resampler = FindResampler(resampler) if out is None: out = self.create(type=RealField) if not hold: out.value[...] = 0 if layout is None: resampler.paint(out.value, pos, hsml=hsml, mass=mass, transform=transform, diffdir=gradient) return out else: localpos = localmass = exchange(layout, mass) localhsml = exchange(layout, hsml) return self.paint(localpos, mass=localmass, hsml=localhsml, resampler=resampler, transform=transform, hold=hold, gradient=gradient, layout=None, out=out)
[docs] def paint_jvp(self, pos, mass=1.0, v_pos=None, v_mass=None, resampler=None, transform=None, gradient=None, layout=None, out=None): """ A_q = W_qi M_i """ assert gradient is None # second order is not supported yet if out is None: out = self.create(type=RealField) out[...] = 0 if v_pos is not None: for d in range(pos.shape[1]): self.paint(pos, mass=v_pos[..., d] * mass, resampler=resampler, transform=transform, gradient=d, hold=True, layout=layout, out=out) if v_mass is not None: self.paint(pos, mass=v_mass, resampler=resampler, transform=transform, gradient=None, hold=True, layout=layout, out=out) return out
[docs] def paint_vjp(self, v, pos, mass=1.0, resampler=None, transform=None, gradient=None, out_pos=None, out_mass=None, layout=None): """ back-propagate the gradient of paint from v. Parameters ---------- layout : Layout domain decomposition to use for the readout. The position is first routed to the target ranks and the result is reduced out_mass: array , None, or False stored the backtraced gradient against mass if False, then the gradient against mass is not computed. if None, a new RealField is created and returned out_pos : array, None or False store the backtraced graident against pos if False, then the gradient against pos is not computed. if None, a new array is created and returned """ if out_pos is not False: if gradient is not None: raise ValueError("gradient of gradient is not yet supported") if out_pos is None: out_pos = numpy.zeros_like(pos) if is_inplace(out_pos): out_pos = pos if out_pos is pos: pos = pos.copy() for d in range(pos.shape[1]): v.readout(pos, out=out_pos[:, d], resampler=resampler, transform=transform, gradient=d, layout=layout) out_pos[..., d] *= mass if out_mass is not False: if out_mass is None: out_mass = numpy.zeros(len(pos)) if is_inplace(out_mass): out_mass = mass v.readout(pos, out=out_mass, resampler=resampler, transform=transform, gradient=gradient, layout=layout) return out_pos, out_mass
[docs] def upsample(self, source, resampler=None, keep_mean=False): """ Resample an image with the upsample method. Upsampling reads out the value of image at the pixel positions of the pm. Parameters ---------- source : RealField the source image keep_mean : bool if True, conserves the mean rather than the total mass in the overlapped region. Returns ------- A new RealField. Notes ----- Note that kernels do not conserve total mass or mean exactly by construction due to the sparse sampling, this is particularly bad for lanzcos, db, and sym. some tests are shown in """ assert isinstance(source, RealField) q = self.mesh_coordinates(dtype='i4') # transform from my mesh to source's mesh transform = Affine(self.ndim, translate=-source.start, scale=1.0 * source.Nmesh / self.Nmesh, period=source.Nmesh) layout =, smoothing=resampler, transform=transform) layout =, smoothing=1.6, transform=transform) f = source.readout(q, resampler=resampler, layout=layout, transform=transform) #q1 = #v1 = source.readout(q1, resampler=resampler, transform=transform) #print(source.start, transform.translate) #for a, b in zip(q1, v1): # if all(a == [0, 0]): # print(source.start, a, a * transform.scale + transform.translate, b) if not keep_mean: f *= ( / / ( / # all are on the grid. NGB is faster, and no need to decompose return self.paint(q, mass=f, resampler='nnb', transform=self.affine_grid)
[docs] def downsample(self, source, resampler=None, keep_mean=False): """ Resample an image with the downsample method. Downsampling paints the value of image at the pixel positions source. Parameters ---------- source : RealField the source image keep_mean : bool if True, conserves the mean rather than the total mass in the overlapped region. Returns ------- A new RealField. Notes ----- Note that kernels do not conserve total mass or mean exactly by construction due to the sparse sampling, this is particularly bad for lanzcos, db, and sym. some tests are shown in """ assert isinstance(source, RealField) q ='i4') f = source.readout(q, resampler='nnb', # transform from ssource' mesh to my mesh transform = self.affine_grid.rescale(1.0 * self.Nmesh / source.Nmesh) if keep_mean: f /= ( / / ( / layout = self.decompose(q, smoothing=resampler, transform=transform) #q1 = #v1 = #print(q1, v1) return self.paint(q, mass=f, layout=layout, resampler=resampler, transform=transform)