Source code for pmesh.particlemesh

PyPM: A Particle Mesh code in Python

.. deprecated:: 0.1

import warnings
warnings.warn("particlemesh.ParticleMesh is deprecated; switch to pm.ParticleMesh", DeprecationWarning)

import pfft
import numpy
import time
from mpi4py import MPI

from .tools import Timers
from . import domain
from . import cic, tsc

[docs]class ParticleMesh(object): """ ParticleMesh provides an interface to solver for forces with particle mesh method ParticleMesh object is a state machine. Refer to :ref:`introduction` on the standard steps to use this object. Memory usage is twice the size of the FFT mesh. However, Be aware the transfer functions may take more memory. Attributes ---------- np : array_like (npx, npy) The shape of the process mesh. This is the number of domains per direction. The product of the items shall equal to the size of communicator. For example, for 64 rank job, np = (8, 8) is a good choice. Since for now only 3d simulations are supported, np must be of length-2. The default is try to split the total number of ranks equally. (eg, for a 64 rank job, default is (8, 8) comm : :py:class:`MPI.Comm` the MPI communicator, (default is MPI.COMM_WORLD) Nmesh : int number of mesh points per side. Only 3d simulations are supported by now, and the true mesh is [Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh] BoxSize : float size of box domain : :py:class:`pmesh.domain.GridND` domain decomposition (private) partition : :py:class:`pfft.Partition` domain partition (private) real : array_like the real FFT array (private) complex : array_like the complex FFT array (private) w : list a list of the circular frequencies along each direction (-pi to pi) k : list a list of the wave numbers k along each direction (- pi N/ L to pi N/ L) x : list a list of the position along each direction (-L/2 to L/ 2). x is conjugate of k. r : list a list of the mesh position along each direction (-N/2 to N/2). r is conjugate of w. T : :py:class:`` profiling timers """ def __init__(self, BoxSize, Nmesh, paintbrush='cic', comm=None, np=None, verbose=False, dtype='f8'): """ create a PM object. """ # this weird sequence to intialize comm is because # we want to be compatible with None comm == MPI.COMM_WORLD # while not relying on pfft's full mpi4py compatibility # (passing None through to pfft) if comm is None: self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD else: self.comm = comm if np is None: np = pfft.split_size_2d(self.comm.size) dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) if dtype == numpy.dtype('f8'): forward = pfft.Type.PFFT_R2C backward = pfft.Type.PFFT_C2R elif dtype == numpy.dtype('f4'): forward = pfft.Type.PFFTF_R2C backward = pfft.Type.PFFTF_C2R else: raise ValueError("dtype must be f8 or f4") self.procmesh = pfft.ProcMesh(np, comm=comm) self.Nmesh = Nmesh self.BoxSize = numpy.empty(3, dtype='f8') self.BoxSize[:] = BoxSize self.partition = pfft.Partition(forward, [Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh], self.procmesh, pfft.Flags.PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT | pfft.Flags.PFFT_DESTROY_INPUT) buffer = pfft.LocalBuffer(self.partition) self.real = buffer.view_input() self.real[:] = 0 self.complex = buffer.view_output() self.T = Timers(self.comm) with self.T['Plan']: self.forward = pfft.Plan(self.partition, pfft.Direction.PFFT_FORWARD, self.real.base, self.complex.base, forward, pfft.Flags.PFFT_ESTIMATE | pfft.Flags.PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT | pfft.Flags.PFFT_DESTROY_INPUT) self.backward = pfft.Plan(self.partition, pfft.Direction.PFFT_BACKWARD, self.complex.base, self.real.base, backward, pfft.Flags.PFFT_ESTIMATE | pfft.Flags.PFFT_TRANSPOSED_IN | pfft.Flags.PFFT_DESTROY_INPUT) self.domain = domain.GridND(self.partition.i_edges, comm=self.comm) self.verbose = verbose self.stack = [] k = [] x = [] w = [] r = [] for d in range(self.partition.ndim): t = numpy.ones(self.partition.ndim, dtype='intp') s = numpy.ones(self.partition.ndim, dtype='intp') t[d] = self.partition.local_ni[d] s[d] = self.partition.local_no[d] wi = numpy.arange(s[d], dtype='f4') + self.partition.local_o_start[d] ri = numpy.arange(t[d], dtype='f4') + self.partition.local_i_start[d] wi[wi >= self.Nmesh // 2] -= self.Nmesh ri[ri >= self.Nmesh // 2] -= self.Nmesh wi *= (2 * numpy.pi / self.Nmesh) ki = wi * self.Nmesh / self.BoxSize[d] xi = ri * self.BoxSize[d] / self.Nmesh w.append(wi.reshape(s)) r.append(ri.reshape(t)) k.append(ki.reshape(s)) x.append(xi.reshape(t)) self.w = w self.r = r self.k = k self.x = x # set the painter self.paintbrush = paintbrush.lower() if paintbrush == 'cic': self.painter = cic.paint elif paintbrush == 'tsc': self.painter = tsc.paint else: raise ValueError("valid `painter` values are: ['cic', 'tsc']")
[docs] def transform(self, x): """ Transform from simulation unit to local grid unit. Parameters ---------- x : array_like (, ndim) coordinates in simulation unit Returns ------- ret : array_like (, ndim) coordinates in local grid unit """ ret = (1.0 * self.Nmesh / self.BoxSize) * x - self.partition.local_i_start return ret
[docs] def transform0(self, x): """ Transform from simulation unit to global grid unit. Parameters ---------- x : array_like (, ndim) coordinates in simulation unit Returns ------- ret : array_like (, ndim) coordinates in global grid unit """ ret = (1.0 * self.Nmesh / self.BoxSize) * x return ret
[docs] def decompose(self, pos): """ Create a domain decompose layout for particles at given coordinates. Parameters ---------- pos : array_like (, ndim) position of particles in simulation unit Returns ------- layout : :py:class:domain.Layout layout that can be used to migrate particles and images to the correct MPI ranks that hosts the PM local mesh """ with self.T['Decompose']: return self.domain.decompose(pos, smoothing=1.0, transform=self.transform0)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the internal real canvas. This function simply set real[:] = 0. After :py:meth:`clear`, :py:meth:`paint` can correctly paint to the canvas. Notes ----- A freshly created :py:class:`ParticleMesh` object come with a cleared canvas. """ self.real[:] = 0
[docs] def paint(self, pos, mass=1.0): """ Paint particles into the internal real canvas. Transform the particle field given by pos and mass to the overdensity field in fourier space and save it in the internal storage. A multi-linear CIC approximation scheme is used. The function can be called multiple times: the result is cummulative. In a multi-step simulation where :py:class:`ParticleMesh` object is reused, before calling :py:meth:`paint`, make sure the canvas is cleared with :py:meth:`clear`. Parameters ---------- pos : array_like (, ndim) position of particles in simulation unit mass : scalar or array_like (,) mass of particles in simulation unit Notes ----- self.real is the density field (:math:`\\rho(x)`) after this operation. (In units of per cubic distance) """ with self.T['Paint']: self.painter(pos, self.real, weights=mass * (self.Nmesh ** 3 /, mode='ignore', period=self.Nmesh, transform=self.transform)
[docs] def r2c(self): """ Perform real to complex FFT on the internal canvas. The complex field will be dimensionless; this is to ensure if NormalizeDC is applyed, c2r produces :math:`1 + \delta` as expected. (To obtain CFT, multiply by :math:`L^3` from the :math:`dx^3` factor ) Therefore, the zeroth component of the complex field is :math:`\\bar\\rho`. """ if self.verbose: realsum = self.comm.allreduce(self.real.sum(dtype='f8'), MPI.SUM) if self.comm.rank == 0: print('before r2c, sum of real', realsum) self.comm.barrier() with self.T['R2C']: self.forward.execute(self.real.base, self.complex.base) # PFFT normalization self.complex[:] *= self.Nmesh ** -3 if self.procmesh.rank == 0: # remove the mean ! # self.complex.flat[0] = 0 pass
[docs] def push(self): """ Save the complex field The complex field is saved to an internal stack. Recover the complex field with :py:meth:`pop`. """ self.stack.append(self.complex.copy())
[docs] def pop(self): """ Restore the complex field The complex field was saved to an internal stack by :py:meth:`push`. """ self.complex[:] = self.stack.pop()
[docs] def transfer(self, transfer_functions): """ Apply transfer functions Apply a chain of transfer functions to the complex field, in place. If the original field shall be preserved, use :py:meth:`push`. Parameters ---------- transfer_functions : list of :py:class:transfer.TransferFunction A chain of transfer functions to apply to the complex field. """ with self.T['Transfer']: for transfer in transfer_functions: transfer(self, self.complex)
[docs] def readout(self, pos): """ Read out from real field at positions Parameters ---------- pos : array_like (, ndim) position of particles in simulation unit Returns ------- rt : array_like (,) read out values from the real field. """ with self.T['Readout']: if pos is not None: rt = cic.readout(self.real, pos, mode='ignore', period=self.Nmesh, transform=self.transform) return rt
[docs] def c2r(self, transfer_functions=[]): """ Complex to real transformation. Parameters ---------- transfer_functions : list of :py:class:`transfer.TransferFunction` A chain of transfer functions to apply to the complex field. """ self.transfer(transfer_functions) with self.T['C2R']: self.backward.execute(self.complex.base, self.real.base) if self.verbose: realsum = self.comm.allreduce(self.real.sum(dtype='f8'), MPI.SUM) if self.comm.rank == 0: print('after c2r, sum of real', realsum) self.comm.barrier()