Source code for pmesh.abopt

from __future__ import absolute_import

from warnings import warn

warn("This module is deprecated and likely no longer maintained; a maintained version is moved to cosmo4d to minimize changes in pmesh.", DeprecationWarning)

import numpy
from abopt.vmad2 import ZERO, Engine, statement, programme, CodeSegment, Literal
from abopt.abopt2 import VectorSpace
from import ParticleMesh, RealField, ComplexField

[docs]def nyquist_mask(factor, v): # any nyquist modes are set to 0 if the transfer function is complex mask = (numpy.imag(factor) == 0) | \ ~numpy.bitwise_and.reduce([(ii == 0) | (ii == ni // 2) for ii, ni in zip(v.i, v.Nmesh)]) return factor * mask
[docs]class ParticleMeshVectorSpace(VectorSpace): def __init__(self, pm, q): self.qshape = q.shape = pm
[docs] def addmul(self, a, b, c, p=1): if isinstance(b, RealField): r = b.copy() r[...] = a + b * c ** p return r elif isinstance(b, ComplexField): r = b.copy() if isinstance(c, ComplexField): c = c.plain if isinstance(a, ComplexField): a = a.plain r.plain[...] = a + b.plain * c ** p return r elif numpy.isscalar(b): return a + b * c ** p elif isinstance(b, numpy.ndarray): assert len(b) == self.qshape[0] return a + b * c ** p else: raise TypeError("type unknown")
[docs] def dot(self, a, b): if type(a) != type(b): raise TypeError("type mismatch") if isinstance(a, RealField): return a.cdot(b) elif isinstance(a, ComplexField): return a.cdot(b) elif isinstance(a, numpy.ndarray): assert len(a) == len(b) assert len(a) == self.qshape[0] return else: raise TypeError("type unknown")
[docs]class ParticleMeshEngine(Engine): def __init__(self, pm, q=None): = pm if q is None: q = pm.generate_uniform_particle_grid(shift=0.0, dtype='f4') self.q = q self.vs = ParticleMeshVectorSpace(, self.q)
[docs] @programme(ain=['s'], aout=['x']) def get_x(engine, s, x): code = CodeSegment(engine) code.add(x1='s', x2=Literal(engine.q), y='x') return code
[docs] @statement(aout=['real'], ain=['complex']) def c2r(engine, real, complex): real[...] = complex.c2r()
@c2r.defvjp def _(engine, _real, _complex): _complex[...] = _real.c2r_vjp() @c2r.defjvp def _(engine, real_, complex_): real_[...] = complex_.c2r()
[docs] @statement(aout=['complex'], ain=['real']) def r2c(engine, complex, real): complex[...] = real.r2c()
@r2c.defvjp def _(engine, _complex, _real): _real[...] = _complex.r2c_vjp() @r2c.defjvp def _(engine, complex_, real_): complex_[...] = real_.r2c()
[docs] @statement(aout=['complex'], ain=['complex']) def decompress(engine, complex): return
@decompress.defvjp def _(engine, _complex): _complex.decompress_vjp(out=Ellipsis) @decompress.defjvp def _(engine, complex_): pass # XXX: is this correct? @staticmethod def _lowpass_filter(k, v, Neff): k0s = 2 * numpy.pi / v.BoxSize mask = numpy.bitwise_and.reduce([abs(ki) <= Neff//2 * k0 for ki, k0 in zip(k, k0s)]) return v * mask
[docs] @statement(aout=['real'], ain=['real']) def lowpass(engine, real, Neff): real.r2c(out=Ellipsis).apply( lambda k, v: engine._lowpass_filter(k, v, Neff), out=Ellipsis).c2r(out=Ellipsis)
@lowpass.defvjp def _(engine, _real, Neff): _real.c2r_vjp().apply( lambda k, v: engine._lowpass_filter(k, v, Neff), out=Ellipsis).r2c_vjp(out=Ellipsis) @lowpass.defjvp def _(engine, real_, Neff): real_.r2c().apply( lambda k, v: engine._lowpass_filter(k, v, Neff), out=Ellipsis).c2r(out=Ellipsis)
[docs] @statement(aout=['layout'], ain=['x']) def decompose(engine, layout, x): pm = layout[...] = pm.decompose(x)
@decompose.defvjp def _(engine, _layout, _x): _x[...] = ZERO @decompose.defjvp def _(engine, layout_, x_): layout_[...] = ZERO
[docs] @statement(aout=['mesh'], ain=['x', 'layout']) def paint(engine, x, mesh, layout): pm = N = pm.comm.allreduce(len(x)) mesh[...] = pm.paint(x, layout=layout, hold=False) # to have 1 + \delta on the mesh mesh[...][...] *= 1.0 * / N
@paint.defvjp def _(engine, _x, _mesh, x, layout, _layout): pm = _layout[...] = ZERO N = pm.comm.allreduce(len(x)) _x[...], junk = pm.paint_vjp(_mesh, x, layout=layout, out_mass=False) _x[...][...] *= 1.0 * / N @paint.defjvp def _(engine, x_, mesh_, x, layout, layout_): pm = if x_ is ZERO: x_ = None mesh_[...] = pm.paint_jvp(x, v_pos=x_, layout=layout)
[docs] @statement(aout=['value'], ain=['x', 'mesh', 'layout']) def readout(engine, value, x, mesh, layout): pm = N = pm.comm.allreduce(len(x)) value[...] = mesh.readout(x, layout=layout)
@readout.defvjp def _(engine, _value, _x, _mesh, x, layout, mesh): pm = _mesh[...], _x[...] = mesh.readout_vjp(x, _value, layout=layout) @readout.defjvp def _(engine, value_, x_, mesh_, x, layout, mesh, layout_): pm = if mesh_ is ZERO: mesh_ = None if x_ is ZERO: x_ = None value_[...] = mesh.readout_jvp(x, v_self=mesh_, v_pos=x_, layout=layout)
[docs] @statement(aout=['complex'], ain=['complex']) def transfer(engine, complex, tf): complex.apply(lambda k, v: nyquist_mask(tf(k), v) * v, out=Ellipsis)
@transfer.defvjp def _(engine, tf, _complex): _complex.apply(lambda k, v: nyquist_mask(numpy.conj(tf(k)), v) * v, out=Ellipsis) @transfer.defjvp def _(engine, tf, complex_): complex_.apply(lambda k, v: nyquist_mask(tf(k), v) * v, out=Ellipsis)
[docs] @statement(aout=['residual'], ain=['model']) def residual(engine, model, data, sigma, residual): """ residual = (model - data) / sigma J = 1 / sigma """ residual[...] = (model - data) / sigma
@residual.defvjp def _(engine, _model, _residual, data, sigma): _model[...] = _residual / sigma @residual.defjvp def _(engine, model_, residual_, data, sigma): residual_[...] = model_ / sigma
[docs] @statement(ain=['attribute', 'value'], aout=['attribute']) def assign_component(engine, attribute, value, dim): attribute[..., dim] = value
@assign_component.defvjp def _(engine, _attribute, _value, dim): _value[...] = _attribute[..., dim] @assign_component.defjvp def _(engine, attribute_, value_, dim): attribute_[..., dim] = value_
[docs] @statement(ain=['x'], aout=['y']) def assign(engine, x, y): y[...] = x.copy()
@assign.defvjp def _(engine, _y, _x): _x[...] = _y @assign.defjvp def _(engine, y_, x_, x): y_[...] = x.copy() y_[...][...] = x_
[docs] @statement(ain=['x1', 'x2'], aout=['y']) def add(engine, x1, x2, y): y[...] = x1 + x2
@add.defvjp def _(engine, _y, _x1, _x2): _x1[...] = _y _x2[...] = _y @add.defjvp def _(engine, y_, x1_, x2_): y_[...] = x1_ + x2_
[docs] @statement(aout=['y'], ain=['x1', 'x2']) def multiply(engine, x1, x2, y): y[...] = x1 * x2
@multiply.defvjp def _(engine, _x1, _x2, _y, x1, x2): _x1[...] = _y * x2 _x2[...] = _y * x1 @multiply.defjvp def _(engine, x1_, x2_, y_, x1, x2): y_[...] = x1_ * x2 + x1 * x2_
[docs] @statement(ain=['x'], aout=['y']) def to_scalar(engine, x, y): if isinstance(x, RealField): y[...] = x.cnorm() elif isinstance(x, ComplexField): raise TypeError("Computing the L-2 norm of complex is not a good idea, because the gradient propagation is ambiguous") else: y[...] =[...] ** 2).sum(dtype='f8'))
@to_scalar.defvjp def _(engine, _y, _x, x): _x[...] = x * (2 * _y) @to_scalar.defjvp def _(engine, y_, x_, x): if isinstance(x, RealField): y_[...] = x.cdot(x_) * 2 elif isinstance(x, ComplexField): raise TypeError("Computing the L-2 norm of complex is not a good idea, because the gradient propagation is ambiguous") else: y_[...] = * x_).sum(dtype='f8')) * 2
[docs]def check_grad(code, yname, xname, init, eps, rtol, atol=1e-12, verbose=False): from numpy.testing import assert_allclose engine = code.engine comm = if isinstance(init[xname], numpy.ndarray) and init[xname].shape == engine.q.shape: cshape =[0]), engine.q.shape[1] def cperturb(pos, ind, eps): pos = pos.copy() start = sum(comm.allgather(pos.shape[0])[:comm.rank]) end = sum(comm.allgather(pos.shape[0])[:comm.rank + 1]) if ind[0] >= start and ind[0] < end: old = pos[ind[0] - start, ind[1]] coord = pos[ind[0]-start].copy() pos[ind[0] - start, ind[1]] = old + eps new = pos[ind[0] - start, ind[1]] else: old, new, coord = 0, 0, 0 diff = comm.allreduce(new - old) return pos def cget(pos, ind): if pos is ZERO: return 0 start = sum(comm.allgather(pos.shape[0])[:comm.rank]) end = sum(comm.allgather(pos.shape[0])[:comm.rank + 1]) if ind[0] >= start and ind[0] < end: old = pos[ind[0] - start, ind[1]] else: old = 0 return comm.allreduce(old) elif isinstance(init[xname], RealField): cshape = init[xname].cshape def cget(real, index): if real is ZERO: return 0 return real.cgetitem(index) def cperturb(real, index, eps): old = real.cgetitem(index) r1 = real.copy() r1.csetitem(index, old + eps) return r1 code = code.copy() code.to_scalar(x=yname, y='y') y, tape = code.compute('y', init=init, return_tape=True) vjp = tape.get_vjp() jvp = tape.get_jvp() _x = vjp.compute('_' + xname, init={'_y' : 1.0}) center = init[xname] init2 = init.copy() ng_bg = [] fg_bg = [] for index in numpy.ndindex(*cshape): x1 = cperturb(center, index, eps) x0 = cperturb(center, index, -eps) analytic = cget(_x, index) init2[xname] = x1 y1 = code.compute('y', init2) init2[xname] = x0 y0 = code.compute('y', init2) base = (x1 - x0) y_ = jvp.compute('y_', init={xname + '_': base}) #logger.DEBUG("CHECKGRAD: %s" % (y1, y0, y1 - y0, get_pos(code.engine, _x, index) * 2 * eps)) if verbose: print(index, (x1 - x0)[...].max(), y, y1 - y0, y_, cget(_x, index) * 2 * eps) fg_bg.append([index, y_, cget(_x, index) * 2 * eps]) ng_bg.append([index, y1 - y0, cget(_x, index) * 2 * eps]) fg_bg = numpy.array(fg_bg, dtype='O') ng_bg = numpy.array(ng_bg, dtype='O') def errorstat(stat, rtol, atol): g1 = numpy.array([a[1] for a in stat]) g2 = numpy.array([a[2] for a in stat]) ag1 = abs(g1) + (abs(g1) == 0) * numpy.std(g1) ag2 = abs(g2) + (abs(g2) == 0) * numpy.std(g2) sig = (g1 - g2) / ((ag1 + ag2) * rtol + atol) bins = [-100, -50, -20, -1, 1, 20, 50, 100] d = numpy.digitize(sig, bins) return d d1 = errorstat(fg_bg, rtol, atol) d2 = errorstat(ng_bg, rtol * 10000, atol) if (d1 != 4).any(): raise AssertionError("FG_BG Bad gradients: %s " % numpy.bincount(d1)) if (d2 != 4).any(): raise AssertionError("NG_BG Bad gradients: %s " % numpy.bincount(d2))