[2]ifpackageloaded#1#2 [2]ifpackageloaded#1#2 [3]ifpackageloaded#1#2#3



The following chapter describes the usage of the PFFT library at the example of a simple test file in the first section, followed by the more advanced features of PFFT in the next sections.

A first parallel transform - Three-dimensional FFT with two-dimensional data decomposition

We explain the basic steps for computing a parallel FFT with the PFFT library at the example of the short test program given by Listing [lst:manc2c]. This test computes a three-dimensional c2c-FFT on a two-dimensional process mesh. The source code manual_c2c_3d.c can be found in directory tests/ of the library’s source code tree.

After initializing MPI with MPI_Init and before calling any other PFFT routine initialize the parallel FFT computations via

void pfft_init(void);

MPI introduces the concept of communicators to store all the topological information of the physical process layout. PFFT requires to be called on a process mesh that corresponds to a periodic, Cartesian communicator. We assist the user in creating such a communicator with the following routine

int pfft_create_procmesh_2d(
    MPI_Comm comm, int np0, int np1,
    MPI_Comm *comm_cart_2d);

This routine uses the processes within the communicator comm to create a two-dimensional process grid of size np0 x np1 and stores it into the Cartesian communicator comm_cart_2d. Note that comm_cart_2d is allocated by the routine and must be freed with MPI_Comm_free after usage. The input parameter comm is a communicator, indicating which processes will participate in the transform. Choosing comm as MPI_COMM_WORLD implies that the FFT is computed on all available processes.

At the next step we need to know the data decomposition of the input and output array, that depends on the array sizes, the process grid and the chosen parallel algorithm. Therefore, we call

ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_3d(
    ptrdiff_t *n, MPI_Comm comm_cart_2d, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);

Hereby, n, local_ni, local_i_start, local_no, local_o_start are arrays of length \(3\) that must be allocated. The return value of this function equals the size of the local complex array that needs to be allocated by every process. In most cases, this coincides with the product of the local array sizes – but may be bigger, whenever the parallel algorithm needs some extra storage. The input value n gives the three-dimensional FFT size and the flag pfft_flags serves to adjust some details of the parallel execution. For the sake of simplicity, we restrict our self to the case pfft_flags=PFFT_TRANSPOSED_NONE for a while and explain the more sophisticated flags at a later point. The output arrays local_ni and local_i_start give the size and the offset of the local input array that result from the parallel block distribution of the global input array, i.e., every process owns the input data in[k[0],k[1],k[2]] with local_i_start[t] <= k[t] < local_i_start[t] `` local\ :sub:`n`\ i[t]+ for ``t=0,1,2. Analogously, the output parameters local_o_start and local_no contain the size and the offset of the local output array.

Afterward, the input and output arrays must be allocated. Hereby,

pfft_complex* pfft_alloc_complex(size_t size);

is a simple wrapper of fftw_alloc_complex, which in turn allocates the memory via fftw_malloc to ensure proper alignment for SIMD. Have a look at the FFTW user manual  for more details on SIMD memory alignment and fftw_malloc. Nevertheless, you can also use any other dynamic memory allocation.

The planning of a single three-dimensional parallel FFT of size n[0] x n[1] x n[2] is done by the function

pfft_plan pfft_plan_dft_3d(
    ptrdiff_t *n, pfft_complex *in, pfft_complex *out,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart_2d, int sign, unsigned pfft_flags);

We provide the address of the input and output array by the pointers in and out, respectively. An inplace transform is assumed if these pointers are equal. The integer sign gives the sign in the exponential of the FFT. Possible values are PFFT_FORWARD (\(-1\)) and PFFT_BACKWARD (\(+1\)). Flags passed to the planner via pfft\_flags must coincide with the flags that were passed to pfft_local_size_3d. Otherwise the data layout of the parallel execution may not match calculated local array sizes. As return value we get a PFFT plan, some structure that stores all the information needed to perform a parallel FFT.

Once the plan is generated, we are allowed to fill the input array in. Note, that per default the planning step pfft_plan_dft_3d will overwrite input array in. Therefore, you should not write any sensitive data into in until the plan was generated. For simplicity, our test program makes use of the library function

void pfft_init_input_complex_3d(
    ptrdiff_t *n, ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    pfft_complex *in);

to fill the input array with some numbers. Alternatively, one can fill the array with a function func of choice and the following loop that takes account of the parallel data layout

ptrdiff_t m=0;
for(ptrdiff_t k0=0; k0 < local_ni[0]; k0++)
  for(ptrdiff_t k1=0; k1 < local_ni[1]; k1++)
    for(ptrdiff_t k2=0; k2 < local_ni[2]; k2++)
      in[m++] = func(k0 + local_i_start[0],
                     k1 + local_i_start[1],
                     k2 + local_i_start[2]);

The parallel FFT is computed when we execute the generated plan via

void pfft_execute(const pfft_plan plan);

Now, the results can be read from out with an analogous three-dimensional loop. If we do not want to execute another parallel FFT of the same type, we free the allocated memory of the plan with

void pfft_destroy_plan(pfft_plan plan);

Additionally, we use

int MPI_Comm_free(MPI_Comm *comm);

to free the communicator allocated by pfft_create_procmesh_2d and

void pfft_free(void *ptr);

to free memory allocated by pfft_alloc_complex. Finally, we exit MPI via

int MPI_Finalize(void);

Porting FFTW-MPI based code to PFFT

We illustrate the close connection between FFTW-MPI and PFFT at a three-dimensional MPI example analogous to the example given in the FFTW manual .

Exactly the same task can be performed with PFFT as given in Listing [lst:pfft3don1d].

#include <pfft.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const ptrdiff_t n[3] = {..., ..., ...};
    pfft_plan plan;
    pfft_complex *data;
    ptrdiff_t alloc_local, local_ni[3], local_i_start[3], local_no[3], local_o_start[3], i, j, k;
    unsigned pfft_flags = 0;

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    /* get local data size and allocate */
    alloc_local = pfft_local_size_dft_3d(n, MPI_COMM_WORLD, pfft_flags,
                         local_ni, local_i_start,
                         local_no, local_o_start);
    data = pfft_alloc_complex(alloc_local);

    /* create plan for in-place forward DFT */
    plan = pfft_plan_dft_3d(n, data, data, MPI_COMM_WORLD,

    /* initialize data to some function my_function(x,y,z) */
    for (i = 0; i < local_n[0]; ++i)
      for (j = 0; j < n[1]; ++j)
        for (k = 0; k < n[2]; ++k)
          data[i*n[1]*n[2] + j*n[2] + k] = my_function(local_i_start[0] + i, j, k);

    /* compute transforms, in-place, as many times as desired */



substitute fftw3-mpi.h by pfft.h

substitute all prefixes fftw_ and fftw_mpi_ by pfft_

substitute all prefixes FFTW_ by PFFT_

the integers N, local_n0, local_0_start become arrays of length 3

dft_ in pfft_local_size_dft_3d

pfft_local_size_dft_3d has additional input pfft_flags and additional outputs local_no, local_o_start

The loop that inits data becomes splitted along all three dimensions. We could also use

First, All prefixes fftw_ are substituted by pfft_

Now, the changes in order to use a two-dimensional process mesh are marginal as can be seen in Listing [lst:pfft3don2d].

#include <pfft.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const ptrdiff_t n[3] = {..., ..., ...};
    (red@const int np0 = ..., np1 = ...;@*)
    pfft_plan plan;
    pfft_complex *data;
    ptrdiff_t alloc_local, local_ni[3], local_i_start[3], local_no[3], local_o_start[3], i, j, k;
    unsigned pfft_flags = 0;
    (red@MPI_Comm comm_cart_2d;@*)

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    (red@/* create two-dimensional process grid of size np0 x np1 */@*)
    (red@pfft_create_procmesh_2d(MPI_COMM_WORLD, np0, np1,@*)

    /* get local data size and allocate */
    alloc_local = pfft_local_size_dft_3d(n, (red@comm_cart_2d@*), pfft_flags,
                         local_ni, local_i_start,
                         local_no, local_o_start);
    data = pfft_alloc_complex(alloc_local);

    /* create plan for in-place forward DFT */
    plan = pfft_plan_dft_3d(n, data, data, MPI_COMM_WORLD,

    /* initialize data to some function my_function(x,y,z) */
    for (i = 0; i < local_n[0]; ++i)
      for (j = 0; j < (red@local_n[1]@*); ++j)
        for (k = 0; k < (red@local_n[2]@*); ++k)
          data[i*(red@local_n[1]*local_n[2]@*) + j*(red@local_n[2]@*) + k] =
              my_function(local_i_start[0] + i,
                  (red@local_i_start[1] +@*) j,
                  (red@local_i_start[2] +@*) k);

    /* compute transforms, in-place, as many times as desired */



Errorcode for communicator creation

As we have seen the function

int pfft_create_procmesh_2d(
    MPI_Comm comm, int np0, int np1,
    MPI_Comm *comm_cart_2d);

creates a two-dimensional, periodic, Cartesian communicator. The int return value (not used in Listing [lst:manc2c]) is the forwarded error code of MPI_Cart_create. It is equal to zero if the communicator was created successfully. The most common error is that the number of processes within the input communicator comm does not fit np0 x np1. In this case the Cartesian communicator is not generated and the return value is unequal to zero. Therefore, a typical sanity check might look like

/* Create two-dimensional process grid of size np[0] x np[1],
   if possible */
if( pfft_create_procmesh_2d(MPI_COMM_WORLD, np[0], np[1],
        &comm_cart_2d) )
  pfft_fprintf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, stderr,
      "Error: This test file only works with %d processes.\n",
  return 1;

Hereby, we use the PFFT library function

void pfft_fprintf(
    MPI_Comm comm, FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);

to print the error message. This function is similar to the standard C function fprintf with the exception, that only the process with MPI rank \(0\) within the given communicator comm will produce some output; see Section [sec:fprintf] for details.

Inplace transforms

Similar to FFTW, PFFT is able to compute parallel FFTs completely in place, which means that beside some constant buffers, no second data array is necessary. Especially, the global data communication can be performed in place. As far as we know, there is no other parallel FFT library beside FFTW and PFFT that supports this feature. This feature is enabled as soon as the pointer to the output array out is equal to the pointer to the input array in. E.g., in Listing [lst:manc2c] we would call

/* Plan parallel forward FFT */
plan = pfft_plan_dft_3d(n, in, in, comm_cart_2d,

Higher dimensional data decomposition

The test program given in Listing [lst:manc2c] used a two-dimensional data decomposition of a three-dimensional data set. Moreover, PFFT support the computation of any \(d\)-dimensional FFT with \(r\)-dimensional data decomposition as long as \(r\le d-1\). For example, one can use a one-dimensional data decomposition for any two- or higher-dimensional data set, while the data set must be at least four-dimensional to fit to a three-dimensional data decomposition. The case \(r=d\) is not supported efficiently, since during the parallel computations there is always at least one dimension that remains local, i.e., one dimensions stays non-decomposed. The only exception from this rule is the case \(d=r=3\) that is supported by PFFT in a special way, see Section [sec:3don3d] for details.

The dimensionality of the data decomposition is given by the dimension of the Cartesian communicator that goes into the PFFT planing routines. Therefore, we present a generalization of communicator creation function

int pfft_create_procmesh(
    int rnk_np, MPI_Comm comm, const int *np,
    MPI_Comm *comm_cart);

Hereby, the array np of length rnk_np gives the size of the Cartesian communicator cart_comm.

Parallel data decomposition

In the following, we use the notation \(\frac{n}{P}\) to symbolize that an array of length \(n\) is broken into disjoint blocks and distributed on \(P\) MPI processes. Hereby, the data is distributed in compliance to the FFTW-MPI data decompostion , i.e., the first P/block (rounded down) processes get a contiguous chunk of block elements, the next process gets the remaining n - block * (n/block) data elements, and all remaining processes get nothing. Thereby, the block size block defaults to n/P (rounded down) but can also be user defined.

Non-transposed and transposed data layout

In the following, we use the notation \(\frac{n}{P}\) to symbolize that an array of length \(n\) is distributed on \(P\) MPI processes. The standard PFFT data decomposition of \(h\) interleaved \(d\)-dimensional arrays of equal size \(n_0 \times n_1\times \dots \times n_{d-1}\) on a \(r\)-dimensional process mesh of size \(P_0\times \dots \times P_{r-1}\) is given by the blocks

\[\frac{n_0}{P_0} \times \frac{n_1}{P_1} \times \dots \times \frac{n_{r-1}}{P_{r-1}} \times n_r \times n_{r+1} \times \dots \times n_{d-1} \times h.\]

A PFFT created with planning flag PFFT_TRANSPOSED_NONE requires the inputs to be decomposed in this standard way and produces outputs that are decomposed in the same way.

PFFT can save half of the global communication amount, if the data reordering to standard decomposition is omitted. The transposed data decomposition is given by

\[\frac{n_1}{P_0} \times \frac{n_2}{P_1} \times \dots \times \frac{n_{r}}{P_{r-1}} \times n_0 \times n_{r+1} \times \dots \times n_{d-1} \times h\]

A PFFT plan created with planning flag PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT produces outputs with transposed data decomposition. Analogously, a PFFT plan created with planning flag PFFT_TRANSPOSED_IN requires its inputs to be decomposed in the transposed way. Typically, one creates a forward plan with PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT and a backward plan with planning flag PFFT_TRANSPOSED_IN.

Note that the flags PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT and PFFT_TRANSPOSED_IN must be passed to the array distribution function (see Section [sec:local-size]) as well as to the planner (see Section [sec:create-plan]).

Three-dimensional FFTs with three-dimensional data decomposition

Many applications work with three-dimensional block decompositions of three-dimensional arrays. PFFT supports decompositions of the kind

\[\frac{n_0}{P_0} \times \frac{n_1}{P_1} \times \frac{n_2}{P_2} \times h.\]

However, PFFT applies a parallel algorithms that needs at least one non-distributed transform dimension (we do not transform along \(h\)), Therefore, we split the number of processes along the last dimension into two factors \(P_2=Q_1Q_2\), remap the data to the two-dimensional decomposition

\[\frac{n_0}{P_0Q_0} \times \frac{n_1}{P_1Q_1} \times n_2 \times h,\]

and compute the parallel FFT with this two-dimensional decomposition. Note that the 3d to 2d remap implies some very special restrictions on the block sizes for \(n_0\) and \(n_1\), i.e., the blocks must be divisible by \(Q_0\) and \(Q_1\). More precisely, the default blocks of the 2d-decomposition are given by n0/(P0*Q0) and n1/(P1*Q1) (both divisions rounded down). This implies that the default blocks of the 3d-decomposition must be n0/(P0*Q0) * Q0, n1/(P1*Q1) * Q1, and n2/(Q0*Q1) (all divisions rounded down).

Planning effort

Pass one of the following flags





to the PFFT planner in order to plan all internal FFTW plans with FFTW_ESTIMATE, FFTW_MEASURE, FFTW_PATIENT, or FFTW_EXHAUSIVE, respectively. The default value is PFFT_MEASURE.

PFFT uses FFTW plans for parallel array transposition and the serial transforms. In fact, every serial transform is a combination of strided lower-dimensional FFTs and a serial array transposition (necessary to prepare the global transposition) which can be done by a single FFTW plan. However, it turns out that FFTW sometimes performs better if the serial transposition and the strided FFTs are executed separately. Therefore, PFFT introduces the flag PFFT_TUNE that enables extensive run time tests in order to find the optimal sequence of serial strided FFT and serial transposition for every serial transform. These tests are disable on default which corresponds to the flag PFFT_NO_TUNE.

Preserving input data

The following flags




only take effect for out-of-place transforms. The first one behaves analogously to the FFTW flag FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT and ensures that the input values are not overwritten. In fact, this flag implies that only the first serial transform is executed out-of-place and all successive steps are performed in-place on the output array. In compliance to FFTW, this is the default behaviour for out-of-place plans.

The second flag behaves analogously to the FFTW flag FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT and tells the planner that the input array can be used as scratch array. This may give some speedup for out-of-place plans, because all the intermediate transforms and transposition steps can be performed out-of-place.

Finally, the flag PFFT_BUFFERED_INPLACE can be used for out-of-place plans that store its inputs and outputs in the same array, i.e., array out is used for intermediate out-of-place transforms and transpositions but the PFFT inputs and outputs are stored in array in.

FFTs with shifted index sets



Pruned FFT and Shifted Index Sets

Pruned FFT

For pruned r2r- and c2c-FFT are defined as

\[g_l = \sum_{k=0}^{n_i-1} \hat g_k {\ensuremath{\mathrm{e}^{-2\pi{{\ensuremath{\text{\scriptsize{i}}}}} kl/n}}}, \quad l=0,\dots,n_o-1,\]

where \(n_i\le n\) and \(n_o\le n\).

Shifted Index Sets

For \(N\in 2{\ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}\) we define the FFT with shifted inputs

For \(K,L,N\in 2{\ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}\), \(L<N\), \(L<N\) we define


PFFT handles multiple precisions exactly in the same way as FFTW. Therefore, we quote part  of the FFTW manual in the context of PFFT:

You can install single and long-double precision versions of PFFT, which replace double with float and long double, respectively; see [sec:install]. To use these interfaces, you must

Link to the single/long-double libraries; on Unix, -lpfftf or -lpfftl instead of (or in addition to) -lpfft. (You can link to the different-precision libraries simultaneously.)

Include the same <pfft.h> header file.

Replace all lowercase instances of ‘pfft_’ with ‘pfftf_’ or ‘pfftl_’ for single or long-double precision, respectively. (pfft_complex becomes pfftf_complex, pfft_execute becomes pfftf_execute, etcetera.)

Uppercase names, i.e. names beginning with ‘PFFT_’, remain the same.

Replace double with float or long double for subroutine parameters.

Ghost cell communication

Fortran interface