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PFFT Reference

Files and Data Types

You must include the PFFT header file by

#include <pfft.h>

in the preamble of each source file that calls PFFT. This header automatically includes fftw.h and fftw3-mpi.h. Therefore, PFFT can use the fftw_complex data type defined in fftw.h, see . Note that fftw_complex is defined to be the C99 native complex whenever <complex.h> is included before <fftw.h>, <fftw-mpi.h> and <pfft.h>. Otherwise it is defined as

typedef double fftw_complex[2];

For the sake of a clean namespace we define the wrapper data type pfft_complex as

typedef fftw_complex pfft_complex;

that can be used equivallently to fftw_complex. Futhermore, we define the wrapper functions

void *pfft_malloc(size_t n);
double *pfft_alloc_real(size_t n);
pfft_complex *pfft_alloc_complex(size_t n);
void pfft_free(void *p);

as substitues for their corresponding FFTW equivalents, see . Note that memory allocated by one of these functions must be freed with pfft_free (or its equivalent fftw_free). Because of the performance reasons given in  we recommend to use one of the pfft_ (or its equivalent fftw_) allocation functions for all arrays containing FFT inputs and outputs. However, PFFT will also work (possibly slower) with any other memory allocation method.

Different precisions are handled as in FFTW: That is pfft_ functions and datatypes become pfftf_ (single precision) or pfftl_ (long double precision) prefixed. Quadruple precision is not yet supported. The main problem is that we do not know about a suitable MPI datatype to represent __float128.

MPI Initialization

Initialization and cleanup of PFFT in done in the same way as for FFTW-MPI, see . In order to keep a clean name space, PFFT offers the wrapper functions

void pfft_init(void);
void pfft_cleanup(void);

that can be used as substitutes for fftw_mpi_init and fftw_mpi_cleanup, respectively.

Using PFFT Plans

PFFT follows exactly the same workflow as FFTW-MPI. A plan created by one of the functions given in Section [sec:create-plan] is executed with

void pfft_execute(const pfft_plan plan);

and freed with

void pfft_destroy_plan(const pfft_plan plan);

Note, that you can not apply fftw_mpi_execute or fftw_destroy on PFFT plans.

The new array execute functions are given by

void pfft_execute_dft(const pfft_plan plan, pfft_complex *in, pfft_complex *out);
void pfft_execute_dft_r2c(const pfft_plan plan, double *in, pfft_complex *out);
void pfft_execute_dft_c2r(const pfft_plan plan, pfft_complex *in, double *out);
void pfft_execute_r2r(const pfft_plan plan, double *in, double *out);

The arrays given by in and out must have the correct size and the same alignement as the array that were used to create the plan, just as it is the case for FFTW, see [fftw-new-array].

Data Distribution Functions

Complex-to-Complex FFT

ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_dft_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n, MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_dft(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_many_dft(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);

Compute the data distribution of a parallel, complex input/output discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in two or more dimensions, returning the number of complex numbers that must be allocated to hold the parallel transform.


rnk_n is the rank of the transform (typically the size of the arrays n, ni, no) that can be any integer \(\ge 2\). The _3d planner corresponds to a rnk_n of 3.

The array n of size rnk_n specifies the transform dimensions. They can be any positive integer.

The array ni of size rnk_n specifies the input array dimensions. They can be any positive integer with ni[t] <= n[t] for all dimensions t=0,...,rnk_n-1. For ni[t]<n[t] the inputs will be padded with zeros up to size n[t] along the t-th dimension before the transform, see Section [sec:pruned-fft].

The array no of size rnk_n specifies the output array dimensions. They can be any positive integer with no[t] <= n[t] for all dimensions t=0,...,rnk_n-1. For no[t]<n[t] the outputs will be pruned to size no[t] along the t-th dimension after the transform, see Section [sec:pruned-fft].

howmany is the number of transforms to compute. The resulting plan computes howmany transforms, where the input of the k-th transform is at location in+k (in C pointer arithmetic) with stride howmany, and its output is at location out+k with stride howmany. The basic pfft_plan_dft interface corresponds to howmany=1.

comm_cart is a Cartesian communicator of dimension rnk_pm that specifies the parallel data decomposition, see Section [sec:data-decomp]. Most of the time, PFFT requires rnk_pm < rnk_n. The only exception is the case rnk_pm == rnk_n == 3, see Section [sec:3don3d]. If an ordinary (i.e. non-Cartesian) communicator is passed, PFFT internally converts it into a one-dimensional Cartesian communicator while retaining the MPI ranks (this results in the FFTW-MPI data decomposition).

The arrays iblock and oblock of size rnk_pm1+ specify the block sizes for the first rnk_pm1+ dimensions of the input and output data, respectively. These must be the same block sizes as were passed to the corresponding local_size function. You can pass PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCKS to use PFFT’s default block sizes. Furthermore, you can use PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCK to set the default block size in separate dimensions, e.g., iblock[t]=PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCK.

pfft_flags is a bitwise OR (’|’) of zero or more planner flags, as defined in Section [sec:flags].

The array local_ni of size rnk_n returns the size of the local input array block in every dimension (counted in units of complex numbers).

The array local_i_start of size rnk_n returns the offset of the local input array block in every dimension (counted in units of complex numbers).

The array local_no of size rnk_n returns the size of the local output array block in every dimension (counted in units of complex numbers).

The array local_o_start of size rnk_n returns the offset of the local output array block in every dimension (counted in units of complex numbers).

In addition, the following local_block functions compute the local data distribution of the process with MPI rank pid. The local_size interface can be understood as a call of local_block where pid is given by MPI_Comm_rank(comm_cart, &pid), i.e., each MPI process computes its own data block. However, local_block functions have a void return type, i.e., they omit the computation of the local array size that is necessary to hold the parallel transform. This makes local_block functions substantially faster in exectuion.

void pfft_local_block_dft_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n, MPI_Comm comm_cart, int pid, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
void pfft_local_block_dft(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, int pid, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
void pfft_local_block_many_dft(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, int pid, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);

Real-to-Complex FFT

ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_dft_r2c_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n, MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_dft_r2c(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_many_dft_r2c(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);

Compute the data distribution of a parallel, real-input/complex-output discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in two or more dimensions, returning the number of complex numbers that must be allocated to hold the parallel transform.

Arguments are the same as for c2c transforms (see Section [sec:local-size-c2c]) with the following exceptions:

The logical input array size ni will differ from the physical array size of the real inputs if the flag PFFT_PADDED_R2C is included in pfft_flags. This results from the padding at the end of the last dimension that is necessary to align the real valued inputs and complex valued outputs for inplace transforms, see . In contrast to FFTW-MPI, PFFT does not pad the r2c inputs per default.

local_ni is counted in units of real numbers. It will include padding

local_i_start is counted in units of real numbers.

The corresponding local_block functions compute the local data distribution of the process with MPI rank pid.

void pfft_local_block_dft_r2c_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n, MPI_Comm comm_cart, int pid, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
void pfft_local_block_dft_r2c(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, int pid, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
void pfft_local_block_many_dft_r2c(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, int pid, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);

Complex-to-Real FFT

ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_dft_c2r_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n, MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_dft_c2r(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_many_dft_c2r(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);

Compute the data distribution of a parallel, complex-input/real-output discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in two or more dimensions, returning the number of complex numbers that must be allocated to hold the parallel transform.

Arguments are the same as for c2c transforms (see Section [sec:local-size-c2c]) with the following exceptions:

The logical output array size no will differ from the physical array size of the real outputs if the flag PFFT_PADDED_C2R is included in pfft_flags. This results from the padding at the end of the last dimension that is necessary to align the real valued outputs and complex valued inputs for inplace transforms, see . In contrast to FFTW-MPI, PFFT does not pad the c2r outputs per default.

local_no is counted in units of real numbers.

local_o_start is counted in units of real numbers.

The corresponding local_block functions compute the local data distribution of the process with MPI rank pid.

void pfft_local_block_dft_c2r_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n, MPI_Comm comm_cart, int pid, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
void pfft_local_block_dft_c2r(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, int pid, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
void pfft_local_block_many_dft_c2r(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, int pid, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);

Real-to-Real FFT

ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_r2r_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n, MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_r2r(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_many_r2r(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);

Compute the data distribution of a parallel, complex input/output discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in two or more dimensions, returning the number of real numbers that must be allocated to hold the parallel transform.

Arguments are the same as for c2c transforms (see Section [sec:local-size-c2c]) with the following exceptions:

local_ni is counted in units of real numbers.

local_i_start is counted in units of real numbers.

local_no is counted in units of real numbers.

local_o_start is counted in units of real numbers.

The corresponding local_block functions compute the local data distribution of the process with MPI rank pid.

void pfft_local_block_r2r_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n, MPI_Comm comm_cart, int pid, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
void pfft_local_block_r2r(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, int pid, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);
void pfft_local_block_many_r2r(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    MPI_Comm comm_cart, int pid, unsigned pfft_flags,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ni, ptrdiff_t *local_i_start,
    ptrdiff_t *local_no, ptrdiff_t *local_o_start);

Plan Creation

Complex-to-Complex FFT

pfft_plan pfft_plan_dft_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n, pfft_complex *in, pfft_complex *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    int sign, unsigned pfft_flags);
pfft_plan pfft_plan_dft(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, pfft_complex *in, pfft_complex *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    int sign, unsigned pfft_flags);
pfft_plan pfft_plan_many_dft(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    pfft_complex *in, pfft_complex *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    int sign, unsigned pfft_flags);
pfft_plan pfft_plan_many_dft_skipped(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    const int *skip_trafos, pfft_complex *in, pfft_complex *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    int sign, unsigned pfft_flags);

Plan a parallel, complex input/output discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in two or more dimensions, returning an pfft_plan. The planner returns NULL if the plan cannot be created.


rnk_n, n, ni, no, howmany, iblock, oblock, comm_cart must be the same as passed to the corresponding pfft_local_size_dft function, see Section [sec:local-size-c2c].

The array skip_trafos of size rnk_pm1+ specifies the serial transforms that will be omitted. For t=0,...,rnk_pm set skip_trafos[t]=1 if the t-th serial transformation should be computed, otherwise set skip_trafos[t]=0, see Section [sec:skip-trafo] for more details.

in and out point to the complex valued input and output arrays of the transform, which may be the same (yielding an in-place transform). These arrays are overwritten during planning, unless PFFT_ESTIMATE | PFFT_NO_TUNE is used in the flags. (The arrays need not be initialized, but they must be allocated.)

sign is the sign of the exponent in the formula that defines the Fourier transform. It can be -1 (= PFFT_FORWARD) or +1 (= PFFT_BACKWARD).

pfft_flags is a bitwise OR (’|’) of zero or more planner flags, as defined in Section [sec:flags].

PFFT computes an unnormalized transform: computing a forward followed by a backward transform (or vice versa) will result in the original data multiplied by the size of the transform (the product of the dimensions n[t]).

Real-to-Complex FFT

pfft_plan pfft_plan_dft_r2c_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n, double *in, pfft_complex *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    int sign, unsigned pfft_flags);
pfft_plan pfft_plan_dft_r2c(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, double *in, pfft_complex *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    int sign, unsigned pfft_flags);
pfft_plan pfft_plan_many_dft_r2c(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    double *in, pfft_complex *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    int sign, unsigned pfft_flags);
pfft_plan pfft_plan_many_dft_r2c_skipped(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    const int *skip_trafos, double *in, pfft_complex *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    int sign, unsigned pfft_flags);

Plan a parallel, real-input/complex-output discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in two or more dimensions, returning an pfft_plan. The planner returns NULL if the plan cannot be created.


rnk_n, n, ni, no, howmany, iblock, oblock, comm_cart must be the same as passed to the corresponding pfft_local_size_dft_r2c function, see Section [sec:local-size-r2c].

in and out point to the real valued input and complex valued output arrays of the transform, which may be the same (yielding an in-place transform). These arrays are overwritten during planning, unless PFFT_ESTIMATE | PFFT_NO_TUNE is used in the flags. (The arrays need not be initialized, but they must be allocated.)

sign is the sign of the exponent in the formula that defines the Fourier transform. It can be -1 (= PFFT_FORWARD) or +1 (= PFFT_BACKWARD). Note that this parameter is not part of the FFTW-MPI interface, where r2c transforms are defined to be forward transforms. However, the backward transform can be easily realized by an additional conjugation of the complex outputs as done by PFFT.

Complex-to-Real FFT

pfft_plan pfft_plan_dft_c2r_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n, pfft_complex *in, double *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    int sign, unsigned pfft_flags);
pfft_plan pfft_plan_dft_c2r(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, pfft_complex *in, double *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    int sign, unsigned pfft_flags);
pfft_plan pfft_plan_many_dft_c2r(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    pfft_complex *in, double *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    int sign, unsigned pfft_flags);
pfft_plan pfft_plan_many_dft_c2r_skipped(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    const int *skip_trafos, pfft_complex *in, double *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    int sign, unsigned pfft_flags);

Plan a parallel, complex-input/real-output discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in two or more dimensions, returning an pfft_plan. The planner returns NULL if the plan cannot be created.


rnk_n, n, ni, no, howmany, iblock, oblock, comm_cart must be the same as passed to the corresponding pfft_local_size_dft_c2r function, see Section [sec:local-size-c2r].

in and out point to the complex valued input and real valued output arrays of the transform, which may be the same (yielding an in-place transform). These arrays are overwritten during planning, unless PFFT_ESTIMATE | PFFT_NO_TUNE is used in the flags. (The arrays need not be initialized, but they must be allocated.)

sign is the sign of the exponent in the formula that defines the Fourier transform. It can be -1 (= PFFT_FORWARD) or +1 (= PFFT_BACKWARD). Note that this parameter is not part of the FFTW-MPI interface, where c2r transforms are defined to be backward transforms. However, the forward transform can be easily realized by an additional conjugation of the complex inputs as done by PFFT.

Real-to-Real FFT

pfft_plan pfft_plan_r2r_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n, double *in, double *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    const pfft_r2r_kind *kinds, unsigned pfft_flags);
pfft_plan pfft_plan_r2r(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, double *in, double *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    const pfft_r2r_kind *kinds, unsigned pfft_flags);
pfft_plan pfft_plan_many_r2r(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    double *in, double *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    const pfft_r2r_kind *kinds, unsigned pfft_flags);
pfft_plan pfft_plan_many_r2r_skipped(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n, const ptrdiff_t *ni, const ptrdiff_t *no,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *iblock, const ptrdiff_t *oblock,
    const int *skip_trafos, double *in, double *out, MPI_Comm comm_cart,
    const pfft_r2r_kind *kinds, unsigned pfft_flags);

Plan a parallel, real input/output (r2r) transform in two or more dimensions, returning an pfft_plan. The planner returns NULL if the plan cannot be created.


rnk_n, n, ni, no, howmany, iblock, oblock, comm_cart must be the same as passed to the corresponding pfft_local_size_r2r function, see Section [sec:local-size-r2r].

in and out point to the real valued input and output arrays of the transform, which may be the same (yielding an in-place transform). These arrays are overwritten during planning, unless PFFT_ESTIMATE | PFFT_NO_TUNE is used in the flags. (The arrays need not be initialized, but they must be allocated.)

The array kinds of length rnk_n specifies the kind of r2r transform that is computed in the corresponding dimensions. Just like FFTW-MPI we compute the separable product formed by taking each transform kind along the corresponding dimension, one dimension after another.

FFT Execution Timer

PFFT offers an easy way to perform run time measurements and print/write the results.

Basis Run Time Measurements

PFFT-plans automatically accumulate the local run times of every call to pfft_execute. For most applications it is sufficient to print run time of a plan ths averaged over all runs with

void pfft_print_average_timer(
    const pfft_plan ths, MPI_Comm comm);

Note, that for each timer the maximum time over all processes is reduced to rank 0 of communicator comm, i.e., a call to MPI_Reduce is performed and the output is only printed on this process. The following function works in the same way but prints more verbose output

void pfft_print_average_timer_adv(
    const pfft_plan ths, MPI_Comm comm);

To write the averaged run time of plan ths into a file called name use

void pfft_write_average_timer(
    const pfft_plan ths, const char *name, MPI_Comm comm);
void pfft_write_average_timer_adv(
    const pfft_plan ths, const char *name, MPI_Comm comm);

Again, the output is only written on rank 0 of communicator comm.

Discard all the recorded run times with

void pfft_reset_timer(
    pfft_plan ths);

This function is called per default at the end of every PFFT plan creation function.

Advanced Timer Manipulation

In order to access the run times directly a new typedef pfft_timer is introduced. The following function returns a copy of the timer corresponding to PFFT plan ths

pfft_timer pfft_get_timer(
    const pfft_plan ths);

Note that the memory of the returned pfft_timer must be released with

void pfft_destroy_timer(
    pfft_timer ths);

as soon as the timer is not needed anymore.

In the following we introduce some routines to perform basic operations on timers. For all functions with a pfft_timer return value you must use pfft_destroy_timer in order to release the allocated memory of the timer. Create a copy of a PFFT-timer orig with

pfft_timer pfft_copy_timer(
    const pfft_timer orig);

Compute the average, local time over all runs of a timer ths with

void pfft_average_timer(
    pfft_timer ths);

Create a new timer that contains the sum of two timers sum1 and sum2 with

pfft_timer pfft_add_timers(
    const pfft_timer sum1, const pfft_timer sum2);

Create a timer that contains the maximum times of all the timers ths from all processes belonging to communicator comm with

pfft_timer pfft_reduce_max_timer(
    const pfft_timer ths, MPI_Comm comm);

Since this function calls MPI_Reduce, only the first process (rank 0) of comm will get the desired data while all the other processes have timers with undefined values.

Note, that you can not access the elements of a timer directly, since it is only a pointer to a struct. However, PFFT offers a routine that creates an array and copies all the entries of the timer into it

double* pfft_convert_timer2vec(
    const pfft_timer ths);

Remember to use free in order to release the allocated memory of the returned array at the moment it is not needed anymore. The entries of the returned array are ordered as follows:

dimension of the process mesh rnk_pm

number of serial trafos rnk_trafo

number of global remaps rnk_remap

number of pfft_execute runs iter

local run time of all runs

rnk_n local times of the serial trafos

rnk_remap local times of the global remaps

2 times of the global remaps that are only necessary for three-dimensional FFTs on three-dimensional process meshes

time for computing twiddled input (as needed for PFFT_SHIFTED_OUT)

time for computing twiddled output (as needed for PFFT_SHIFTED_IN)

The complementary function

pfft_timer pfft_convert_vec2timer(
    const double *times);

creates a timer and fills it’s entries with the data from array times. Thereby, the entries of times must be in the same order as above.

Ghost Cell Communication

In the following we describe the PFFT ghost cell communication module. At the moment, PFFT ghost cell communication is restricted to three-dimensional arrays.

Assume a three-dimensional array data of size n[3] that is distributed in blocks such that each process has a local copy of data[k[0],k[1],k[2]] with

local_start[t] <= k[t] < local_start[t] + local_n[t]

Here and in the following, we assume t=0,1,2. The “classical” ghost cell exchange communicates all the necessary data between neighboring processes, such that each process gets a local copy of data[k[0],k[1],k[2]] with

local_gc_start[t] <= k[t] < local_gc_start[t] + local_ngc[t]


local_gc_start[t] = local_start[t] - gc_below[t];
local_ngc[t] = local_n[t] + gc_below[t] + gc_above[t];

I.e., the local array block is increased in every dimension by gc_below elements below and gc_above elements above. Hereby, the data is wrapped periodically whenever k[t] exceeds the array dimensions. The number of ghost cells in every dimension can be chosen independently and can be arbitrary large, i.e., PFFT ghost cell communication also handles the case where the requested data exceeds next neighbor communication. The number of ghost cells can even be bigger than the array size, which results in multiple local copies of the same data elements at every process. However, the arrays gc_below and gc_above must be equal among all MPI processes.

PFFT ghost cell communication can work on both, the input and output array distributions. Substitute local_n and local_start by local_ni and local_i_start if you are interested in ghost cell communication of the input array. For ghost cell communication of the output array, substitute local_n and local_start by local_no and local_o_start.

Using Ghost Cell Plans

We introduce a new datatype pfft_gcplan that stores all the necessary information for ghost cell communication. Using a ghost cell plan follows the typical workflow: At first, determine the parallel data distribution; cf. Section [sec:gc:local-size]. Next, create a ghost cell plan; cf. Section [sec:gc:plan-cdata] and Section [sec:gc:plan-rdata]. Execute the ghost cell communication with one of the following two collective functions

void pfft_exchange(
    pfft_gcplan ths);
void pfft_reduce(
    pfft_gcplan ths);

Hereby, a ghost cell exchange creates duplicates of local data elements on next neighboring processes, while a ghost cell reduce is the adjoint counter part of the exchange, i.e., it adds the sum of all the duplicates of a local data element to the original data element. Finally, free the allocated memory with

void pfft_destroy_gcplan(
    pfft_gcplan ths);

if the plan is not needed anymore. Passing a freed plan to pfft_exchange or pfft_reduce results in undefined behavior.

Data Distribution

Corresponding to the three interface layers for FFT planning, there are the following three layers for computing the ghost cell data distribution:

ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_gc_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_start,
    const ptrdiff_t *gc_below, const ptrdiff_t *gc_above,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ngc, ptrdiff_t *local_gc_start);
ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_gc(
    int rnk_n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_start,
    const ptrdiff_t *gc_below, const ptrdiff_t *gc_above,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ngc, ptrdiff_t *local_gc_start);
ptrdiff_t pfft_local_size_many_gc(
    int rnk_n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_start,
    ptrdiff_t howmany,
    const ptrdiff_t *gc_below, const ptrdiff_t *gc_above,
    ptrdiff_t *local_ngc, ptrdiff_t *local_gc_start);

Hereby, rnk_n and howmany must be the exactly same variables that were used for the PFFT plan creation. However, only the case rnk_n==3 is completely implemented at the moment. The local array size local_n must be equal to local_ni or local_no (computed by an appropriate call of pfft_local_size; cf. Section [sec:local-size]) depending on whether the ghost cell plan works on the FFT input or output array. Analogously, local_start becomes local_i_start or local_o_start. The number of ghost cells is given by the two arrays gc_below and gc_above that must be equal among all MPI processes. All the ghost cell data distribution functions return the local array plus ghost cell size local_ngc and the corresponding offset local_gc_start as two arrays of length rnk_n. In addition, the ptrdiff_t return value gives the number of data elements that are necessary in order to store the array plus ghost cells.

Note, that the array distribution functions do not distinguish between real and complex valued data. That is because local_n and local_start count array elements in units of complex or real depending on the transform. In addition, it does not matter if the local array is transposed or not, i.e., it is not necessary to pass the flags PFFT_TRANSPOSED_IN and PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT to the ghost cell distribution function. In constrast, the ghost cell plan creation depends on the transform type as well as the transposition flags.

Memory Allocation

In most applications we must ensure that the data array is large enough to suit the memory requirements of a parallel FFT and the ghost cell communication. The following two code snippets illustrate the correct allocation of memory in for complex valued and real valued arrays.

/* Get parameters of data distribution */
/* alloc_local, local_no, local_o_start are given in complex units */
/* local_ni, local_i_start are given in real units */
alloc_local = pfft_local_size_dft_r2c_3d(n, comm_cart_2d, PFFT_TRANSPOSED_NONE,
    local_ni, local_i_start, local_no, local_o_start);

/* alloc_local_gc, local_ngc, local_gc_start are given in complex units */
alloc_local_gc = pfft_local_size_gc_3d(
    local_no, local_o_start, gc_below, gc_above,
    local_ngc, local_gc_start);

/* Allocate enough memory for FFT and ghost cells */
pfft_complex *cdata = pfft_alloc_complex(alloc_local_gc > alloc_local ? alloc_local_gc : alloc_local);

Here, alloc_local gives the number of data elements that are necessary to hold all steps of the parallel FFT, while alloc_local_gc gives the number of data elements that are necessary to hold all steps of the ghost cell communication. Note that we took the maximum of these both numbers as argument for pfft_alloc_complex. The code snippet for real valued arrays looks very similar.

/* Get parameters of data distribution */
/* alloc_local, local_no, local_o_start are given in complex units */
/* local_ni, local_i_start are given in real units */
alloc_local = pfft_local_size_dft_r2c_3d(n, comm_cart_2d, PFFT_TRANSPOSED_NONE,
    local_ni, local_i_start, local_no, local_o_start);

/* alloc_local_gc, local_ngc, local_gc_start are given in real units */
alloc_local_gc = pfft_local_size_gc_3d(
    local_ni, local_i_start, gc_below, gc_above,
    local_ngc, local_gc_start);

/* Allocate enough memory for FFT and ghost cells */
double *rdata = pfft_alloc_real(alloc_local_gc > 2*alloc_local ? alloc_local_gc : 2*alloc_local);

Note that the number of real valued data elements is given by two times alloc_local for r2c transforms, whereas the last line would change into

double *rdata = pfft_alloc_real(alloc_local_gc > alloc_local ? alloc_local_gc : alloc_local);

for r2r transforms.

Plan Creation for Complex Data

The following functions create ghost cell plans that operate on complex valued arrays, i.e.,

c2c inputs,

c2c outputs,

r2c outputs (use flag PFFT_GC_C2R), and

c2r inputs (use flag PFFT_GC_R2C).

Corresponding to the three interface layers for FFT planning, there are the following three layers for creating a complex valued ghost cell plan:

pfft_gcplan pfft_plan_cgc_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *gc_below, const ptrdiff_t *gc_above,
    pfft_complex *data, MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned gc_flags);
pfft_gcplan pfft_plan_cgc(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *gc_below, const ptrdiff_t *gc_above,
    pfft_complex *data, MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned gc_flags);
pfft_gcplan pfft_plan_many_cgc(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *block,
    const ptrdiff_t *gc_below, const ptrdiff_t *gc_above,
    pfft_complex *data, MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned gc_flags);

Hereby, rnk_n, n, howmany and comm_cart must be the variables that were used for the PFFT plan creation. However, only the case rnk_n==3 is completely implemented at the moment. Remember that n is the logical FFT size just as it is the case for FFT planning. The block size block must be equal to iblock or oblock depending on whether the ghost cell plan works on the FFT input or output array. Analogously, data becomes in or out. Set the number of ghost cells by gc_below and gc_above as described in Section [sec:gc]. The flags gc_flags must be set appropriately to the flags that were passed to the FFT planner. Table [tab:map-cgcflags] shows the ghost cell planner flags that must be set in dependence on the listed FFT planner flags.


FFT flag ghost cell flag


In addition, we introduce the flag PFFT_GC_R2C (and its equivalent PFFT_GC_C2R) to handle the complex array storage format of r2c and c2r transforms. In fact, these two flags imply an ordinary complex valued ghost cell communication on an array of size n[0] x ... x n[rnk_n-2] x (n[rnk_n-1]/21)+. Please note that we wrongly assume periodic boundary conditions in this case. Therefore, you should ignore the data elements with the last index behind n[rnk_n-1]/2.

Plan Creation for Real Data

The following functions create ghost cell plans that operate on real valued arrays, i.e.,

r2r inputs,

r2r outputs,

r2c inputs, and

c2r outputs.

Corresponding to the three interface layers for FFT planning, there are the following three layers for creating a real valued ghost cell plan:

pfft_gcplan pfft_plan_rgc_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *gc_below, const ptrdiff_t *gc_above,
    double *data, MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned gc_flags);
pfft_gcplan pfft_plan_rgc(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *gc_below, const ptrdiff_t *gc_above,
    double *data, MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned gc_flags);
pfft_gcplan pfft_plan_many_rgc(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    ptrdiff_t howmany, const ptrdiff_t *block,
    const ptrdiff_t *gc_below, const ptrdiff_t *gc_above,
    double *data, MPI_Comm comm_cart, unsigned gc_flags);

Hereby, rnk_n, n, howmany and comm_cart must be the variables that were used for the PFFT plan creation. Remember that n is the logical FFT size just as it is the case for FFT planning. The block size block must be equal to iblock or oblock depending on whether the ghost cell plan works on the FFT input or output array. Analogously, data becomes in or out. Set the number of ghost cells by gc_below and gc_above as described in Section [sec:gc:local-size]. The flags gc_flags must be set appropriately to the flags that were passed to the FFT planner. Table [tab:map-rgcflags] shows the ghost cell planner flags that must be set in dependence on the listed FFT planner flags.


FFT flag ghost cell flag


Note that the flag PFFT_GC_PADDED_R2C (or its equivalent PFFT_GC_PADDED_C2R) implies an ordinary real valued ghost cell communication on an array of size n[0] x ... x n[rnk_n-2] x 2*(n[rnk_n-1]/21)+. Especially, the padding elements will be handles as normal data points, i.e., you must we aware that the numbers of ghost cells gc_below[rnk_n-1] and gc_above[rnk_n-1] include the number of padding elements.

Inofficial Flags

Ghost Cell Execution Timer

PFFT ghost cell plans automatically accumulate the local run times of every call to pfft_exchange and pfft_reduce. For most applications it is sufficient to print run time of a plan ths averaged over all runs with

void pfft_print_average_gctimer(
    const pfft_gcplan ths, MPI_Comm comm);

Note, that for each timer the maximum time over all processes is reduced to rank 0 of communicator comm, i.e., a call to MPI_Reduce is performed and the output is only printed on this process. The following function works in the same way but prints more verbose output

void pfft_print_average_gctimer_adv(
    const pfft_gcplan ths, MPI_Comm comm);

To write the averaged run time of a ghost cell plan ths into a file called name use

void pfft_write_average_gctimer(
    const pfft_gcplan ths, const char *name, MPI_Comm comm);
void pfft_write_average_gctimer_adv(
    const pfft_gcplan ths, const char *name, MPI_Comm comm);

Again, the output is only written on rank 0 of communicator comm.

Discard all the recorded run times with

void pfft_reset_gctimers(
    pfft_gcplan ths);

This function is called per default at the end of every ghost cell plan creation function.

In order to access the run times directly a new typedef pfft_timer is introduced. The following functions return a copy of the timer corresponding to ghost cell plan ths that accumulated the time for ghost cell exchange or ghost cell reduce, respectively:

pfft_gctimer pfft_get_gctimer_exg(
    const pfft_gcplan ths);
pfft_gctimer pfft_get_gctimer_red(
    const pfft_gcplan ths);

Note that the memory of the returned pfft_gctimer must be released with

void pfft_destroy_gctimer(
    pfft_gctimer ths);

as soon as the timer is not needed anymore.

In the following we introduce some routines to perform basic operations on timers. For all functions with a pfft_gctimer return value you must use pfft_destroy_gctimer in order to release the allocated memory of the timer. Create a copy of a ghost cell timer orig with

pfft_gctimer pfft_copy_gctimer(
    const pfft_gctimer orig);

Compute the average, local time over all runs of a timer ths with

void pfft_average_gctimer(
    pfft_gctimer ths);

Create a new timer that contains the sum of two timers sum1 and sum2 with

pfft_gctimer pfft_add_gctimers(
    const pfft_gctimer sum1, const pfft_gctimer sum2);

Create a timer that contains the maximum times of all the timers ths from all processes belonging to communicator comm with

pfft_gctimer pfft_reduce_max_gctimer(
    const pfft_gctimer ths, MPI_Comm comm);

Since this function calls MPI_Reduce, only the first process (rank 0) of comm will get the desired data while all the other processes have timers with undefined values.

Note, that you can not access the elements of a timer directly, since it is only a pointer to a struct. However, PFFT offers a routine that creates an array and copies all the entries of the timer into it

void pfft_convert_gctimer2vec(
    const pfft_gctimer ths, double *times);

Remember to use free in order to release the allocated memory of the returned array at the moment it is not needed anymore. The entries of the returned array are ordered as follows:

number of pfft_execute runs iter

local run time of all runs

local run time of zero padding (make room for incoming ghost cells and init with zeros)

local run time of the ghost cell exchange or reduce (depending on the timer)

The complementary function

pfft_gctimer pfft_convert_vec2gctimer(
    const double *times);

creates a timer and fills it’s entries with the data from array times. Thereby, the entries of times must be in the same order as above.

Useful Tools

The following functions are useful tools but are not necessarily needed to perform parallel FFTs.

Initializing Complex Inputs and Checking Outputs

To fill a complex array data with reproducible, complex values you can use one of the functions

void pfft_init_input_complex_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_n_start,
    pfft_complex *data);
void pfft_init_input_complex(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_start,
    pfft_complex *data);

Hereby, the arrays n, local_n and local_n_start of length rnk_n (rnk_n==3 for _3d) give the size of the FFT, the local array size and the local array offset as computed by the array distribution functions described in Section [sec:local-size] The functions

double pfft_check_output_complex_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_n_start,
    const pfft_complex *data, MPI_Comm comm);
double pfft_check_output_complex(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_start,
    const pfft_complex *data, MPI_Comm comm);

compute the \(l_1\)-norm between the elements of array data and values produced by pfft_init_input_complex_3d, pfft_init_input_complex. In addition, we supply the following functions for setting all the input data to zero at once

void pfft_clear_input_complex_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_n_start,
    pfft_complex *data);
void pfft_clear_input_complex(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_start,
    pfft_complex *data);

Note, that these functions can be combined for a quick consistency check of the FFT. Since a forward FFT followed by a backward FFT reproduces the inputs up to a scaling factor, the following code snippet should give a result equal to zero up to machine precision.

/* Initialize input with random numbers */
pfft_init_input_complex_3d(n, local_ni, local_i_start,

/* execute parallel forward FFT */

/* clear the old input */
if(in != out)
  pfft_clear_input_complex_3d(n, local_ni, local_i_start, in);

/* execute parallel backward FFT */

/* Scale data */
for(ptrdiff_t l=0; l < local_ni[0] * local_ni[1] * local_ni[2]; l++)
  in[l] /= (n[0]*n[1]*n[2]);

/* Print error of back transformed data */
err = pfft_check_output_complex_3d(n, local_ni, local_i_start, in, comm_cart_2d);
pfft_printf(comm_cart_2d, "Error after one forward and backward trafo of size n=(%td, %td, %td):\n", n[0], n[1], n[2]);
pfft_printf(comm_cart_2d, "maxerror = %6.2e;\n", err);

Hereby, we set all inputs equal to zero after the forward FFT in order to be sure that all the final results are actually computed by the backward FFT instead of being a buggy relict of the forward transform.

Initializing Real Inputs and Checking Outputs

To fill a real array data with reproducible, real values use one of the functions

void pfft_init_input_real_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_n_start,
    double *data);
void pfft_init_input_real(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_start,
    double *data);

Hereby, the arrays n, local_n and local_n_start give the size of the FFT, the local array size and the local array offset as computed by the array distribution functions described in Section [sec:local-size] The functions

double pfft_check_output_real_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_n_start,
    const pfft_complex *data, MPI_Comm comm);
double pfft_check_output_real(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_start,
    const pfft_complex *data, MPI_Comm comm);

compute the \(l_1\)-norm between the elements of array data and values produced by pfft_init_input_real_3d, pfft_init_input_real. In addition, we supply the following functions for setting all the input data to zero at once

void pfft_clear_input_real_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_n_start,
    double *data);
void pfft_clear_input_real(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_start,
    double *data);

Note, that both pfft_init_input_real* functions will set all array elements to zero were local_n `` local\ :sub:`ns`\ tart >= n+. In addition, both ``pfft_check_output_real* function will ignore all the errors resulting from these elements. Therefore, it is safe to use all these functions for a consistency check of a r2c transform followed by a c2r transform since all padding elements will be ignored.

Initializing r2c/c2r Inputs and Checking Outputs

The real inputs of a r2c transform can be initialized with the functions decribed in Section [sec:init-data-3d-r2r]. However, generating suitable inputs for a c2r transform requires more caution. In order to get real valued results of a DFT the complex input coefficients need to satisfy an radial Hermitian symmetry, i.e., \(X[{\ensuremath{\boldsymbol{k}}}] = {X^*[-{\ensuremath{\boldsymbol{k}}}]}\). We use the following trick to generate the complex input values for c2r transforms. Assume any \({\ensuremath{\boldsymbol{N}}}\)-periodic complex valued function \(f\). It can be easily shown that the values \(X[{\ensuremath{\boldsymbol{k}}}] := \frac{1}{2}\left(f({\ensuremath{\boldsymbol{k}}})+f^*(-{\ensuremath{\boldsymbol{k}}})\right)\) satisfy the radial Hermitian symmetry.

To fill a complex array data with reproducible, complex values that fulfill the radial Hermitian symmetry use one of the functions

void pfft_init_input_complex_hermitian_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_n_start,
    double *data);
void pfft_init_input_complex_hermitian(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_start,
    double *data);

Hereby, the arrays n, local_n and local_n_start give the size of the FFT, the local array size and the local array offset as computed by the array distribution functions described in Section [sec:local-size] The functions

double pfft_check_output_complex_hermitian_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_n_start,
    const pfft_complex *data, MPI_Comm comm);
double pfft_check_output_complex_hermitian(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_start,
    const pfft_complex *data, MPI_Comm comm);

compute the \(l_1\)-norm between the elements of array data and values produced by pfft_init_input_complex_hermitian_3d, pfft_init_input_complex_hermitian. In addition, we supply the following functions for setting all the input data to zero at once

void pfft_clear_input_complex_hermitian_3d(
    const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_n_start,
    pfft_complex *data);
void pfft_clear_input_complex_hermitian(
    int rnk_n, const ptrdiff_t *n,
    const ptrdiff_t *local_n, const ptrdiff_t *local_start,
    pfft_complex *data);

Note, that these functions can also be used in order to generate complex inputs with radial Hermitian symmetry for ordinary c2c transforms. Of course the results of such a c2c DFT will have all imaginary parts equal to zero up to machine precision.

Operations on Arrays of Type ptrdiff_t

The following routines are shortcuts for the elementwise manipulation of ptrdiff_t valued arrays. In the following, all arrays vec, vec1, and vec2 are of length d and type ptrdiff_t.

ptrdiff_t pfft_prod_INT(
    int d, const ptrdiff_t *vec);

Returns the product over all elements of vec.

ptrdiff_t pfft_sum_INT(
    int d, const ptrdiff_t *vec);

Returns the sum over all elements of vec.

int pfft_equal_INT(
    int d, const ptrdiff_t *vec1, const ptrdiff_t *vec2);

Returns 1 if both arrays have equal entries, 0 otherwise.

void pfft_vcopy_INT(
    int d, const ptrdiff_t *vec1,
    ptrdiff_t *vec2);

Copies the elements of vec1 into vec2.

void pfft_vadd_INT(
    int d, const ptrdiff_t *vec1, const ptrdiff_t *vec2,
    ptrdiff_t *sum);

Fills sum with the componentwise sum of vec1 and vec2.

void pfft_vsub_INT(
    int d, const ptrdiff_t *vec1, const ptrdiff_t *vec2,
    ptrdiff_t *sum);

Fills sum with the componentwise difference of vec1 and vec2.

Reading Command Line Arguments

The following function offers a simple way to read command line arguments into an array parameter.

void pfft_get_args(
    int argc, char **argv, const char *name,
    int neededArgs, unsigned type,
    void *parameter);

Hereby, argc and argv are the standard argument of the main routine. Furthermore, name, neededAgrs, and type give the name, number of entries and the type of the command line argument. Supported types are PFFT_INT, PFFT_PTRDIFF_T, PFFT_FLOAT, PFFT_DOUBLE, and PFFT_UNSIGNED, which denote the standard C type that is used for typecasting. In addition, you can use the special type PFFT_SWITCH that is an integer type equal to one if the corresponding command line argument is given. The array parameter must be of sufficient size to hold neededArgs elements of the given data type. Special attention is given

For example, a program containing the following code snippet

double x=0.1;
pfft_get_args(argc, argv, "-pfft_x", 1, PFFT_DOUBLE, &x);
int np[2]={2,1};
pfft_get_args(argc, argv, "-pfft_np", 2, PFFT_INT, np);
ptrdiff_t n[3]={32,32,32};
pfft_get_args(argc, argv, "-pfft_n", 3, PFFT_PTRDIFF_T, n);
int switch=0;
pfft_get_args(argc, argv, "-pfft_on", 0, PFFT_SWITCH, switch);

that is executed via

./test -pfft_x 3.1 -pfft_np 2 3 -pfft_n 8 16 32 -pfft_on

will read x=3.1, np[2] = (2,3), n[3]= (8,16,32), and turn on the switch=1. Note the address operator & in front of x in the second line! Furthermore, note that the initialization of all variables with default values before the call of pfft_get_args avoids trouble if the user does not provide all the command line arguments.

Parallel Substitutes for vprintf, fprintf, and printf

The following functions are similar to the standard C function vfprintf, fprintf and printf with the exception, that only rank 0 within the given communicator comm will produce output. The intension is to avoid the flood of messages that is produced when simple printf statement are run in parallel.

void pfft_vfprintf(
    MPI_Comm comm, FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list ap);
void pfft_fprintf(
    MPI_Comm comm, FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);
void pfft_printf(
    MPI_Comm comm, const char *format, ...);

Generating Periodic Cartesian Communicators

Based on the processes that are part of the given communicator comm the following routine

int pfft_create_procmesh_1d(
    MPI_Comm comm, int np0,
    MPI_Comm *comm_cart_1d);

allocates and creates a one-dimensional, periodic, Cartesian communicator comm_cart_1d of size np0. Thereby, a non-zero error code is returned whenever np0 does not fit the size of comm. The memory of the generated communicator should be released with MPI_Comm_free after usage. Analogously, use

int pfft_create_procmesh_2d(
    MPI_Comm comm, int np0, int np1,
    MPI_Comm *comm_cart_2d);

in order to allocate and create two-dimensional, periodic, Cartesian communicator comm_cart_2d of size np0*np1 or

int pfft_create_procmesh(
    int rnk_np, MPI_Comm comm, const int *np,
    MPI_Comm *comm_cart);

in order to allocate and create a rnk_np-dimensional, periodic, Cartesian communicator of size np[0]*np[1]*...*np[rnk_np-1]. Hereby, np is an array of length rnk_np. Again, the memory of the generated communicator should be released with MPI_Comm_free after usage.